Combination of Raman-Rayleigh lidar for
humidity and temperature measurement over Chungli, Taiwan -
Chih-wei Chiang, Subrata Kumar Das, Jan-bai
Subduction zones of Southeast Asia: Main
types, seismicity and mineralization -
Yu.G. Gatinsky, G.L. Vladova.
Seismicity and block structure of the
Central and Southeast Asia - Yu.G. Gatinsky, T.V. Prokhorova, D.V. Rundquist,
G.L. Vladova.
Lineament structure of the mantle under
Southeast Asia and South China - L. Zaiets.
Remote acoustic diagnosis of gas release
sources on seabed - A.A. Lyubitskiy.
Boundary region between the South Chinese
platform and the Philippines oceanic plate (three-dimensional p-velocity
model) - Podgornyj V., Gilmanova G., Tsvetkova T., Bugaienko I.
Tsunamogenic earthquake of 26.12.2004, North
Sumatra - V. Starostenko, A. Kendzera, I. Bugaienko, L. Zaiets, T. Tsvetkova.
Mathematica CAS in processing and
interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies - Tôn Tích Ái.
Estimation of atmospheric parameters using
radio occultation method - Nguyễn Xuân Anh, Phạm Lê Khương, A. Kabanov, V.I.
Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, V.B. Sinitsky.
4C seismic technical: A feasibility study
for fracture zone inside the granite-basement reservoir in the Việt Nam sea
- Hoàng Việt Bách.
Using the Poisson-Hardy wavelet to determine
the source properties for the magnetic anomalies of Mekong delta - Dương
Hiếu Đậu, Trương Thị Bạch Yến, Đặng Văn Liệt.
Problem of specific characteristics of
intermediary layer density for gravitational survey in Việt Nam - Lê Thanh
Hải, Chu Quốc Khánh, Lại Mạnh Giàu, Đặng Văn Hậu.
New data on basalts in the bottom of the
South Central Việt Nam continental shelf taken by cruises VG-05 - Nguyễn
Tiến Hải, K. Stattegger.
Application of poststack deconvolution for the gas hydrate seismic
reflection data - D.H. Hien, S. Jang, Y. Kim, S. Suh.
Equatorial ionospheric response to the major
geomagnetic storms in 2003 year observed in South Việt Nam - Hoàng Thái Lan,
J.W. Macdougall.
Identification and discovery of oil in reef
basin on the basis of geological and geophysical data - Nguyễn Quang Long,
Nguyễn Tuấn Anh, Vũ Duy Bình, Nguyễn Văn Huấn, Lê Mạnh Hùng, Trần Văn Lứu,
Trần Thị Thanh Huyền.
Total tropospheric water vapour and
precision of the absolute positioning by GPS in Việt Nam - Lê Huy Minh, Phạm
Xuân Thành, Nguyễn Chiến Thắng, Trần Thị Lan, R. Fleury, P. Lassudrie
Duchesne, A. Bourdillon, C. Amory-Mazaudier, Trần Ngọc Nam, Hoàng Thái Lan.
Theoretical basis of method of Seismic
Observation Grouping (SOG) - Trương Minh.
Petrophysical characterization of ores and
rocks related to Cu, Au, and Pb-Zn deposits in Việt Nam - Tăng Đình Nam.
Some results of the study on the
characteristics of IP frequency domain anomalous field in some zones and
bodies of copper ore at the Tà Phời area, Lào Cai province - Tăng Đình Nam,
Nguyễn Tiến Phong.
Concentration of suspended sediments in
mangrove forests - Võ Lương Hồng Phúc, Stanislaw Massel, Đặng Trường An,
Nguyễn Công Thành.
Computation of wave field in the Ðồng Tranh
estuary, Cần Giờ by using wave refraction model - Võ Lương Hồng Phước,
Nguyễn Đức Toàn, Đặng Trường An, Trương Công Hạnh.
GIS application for
deterministic seismic hazard assessment in Việt Nam -
Nguyễn Hồng Phương, Bùi
Công Quế.
Realistic estimation of
seismic ground motion in Hà Nội City using synthetic seismograms -
Nguyễn Hồng Phương, Cao
Đình Triều, Romanelli F., Vacarri F.
2D resistivity survey
in Ðồng Thanh old sanitary landfills, Hồ Chí Minh City -
Lê Ngọc Thanh, Nguyễn
Thành Vấn, Nguyễn Quang Dũng, Nguyễn Thuỵ Ngọc Vân, Dương Bá Mẫn.
mathematical methods of processing the gravity and airborne gamma ray
spectrum data for evaluating and prospecting mineral resources -
Nguyễn Tài Thinh, Nguyễn
Thế Hùng.
Geophysical surveys at
archaeological sites in Việt Nam: Case study on Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary and Thăng
Long Imperial citadel (old Hà Nội) - Đinh
Văn Toàn , Đoàn Văn Tuyến, Trịnh Việt Bắc, Lại Hợp Phòng, Trần Anh Vũ, Maura
Cucarzi, Paulo Conti, Nguyễn Văn Giang.
The first deep seismic
investigations in North Việt Nam - Đinh Văn Toàn, Steven Harder, Phạm Năng
Vũ, Trịnh Việt Bắc, Đoàn Văn Tuyến, Lại Hợp Phòng, Nguyễn Thị Hồng Quang.
Seismic hazard assessment of Vietnamese
territory on the basis of deterministic approach - Cao Đình Triều, Giuliano
F. Panza, A. Peresan, F. Vaccari, F. Romanelli, Nguyễn Hữu Tuyên, Phạm Nam
Hưng, Lê Văn Dũng, Mai Xuân Bách, Thái Anh Tuấn.
Some new outcomes of
the intermediate-term earthquake prediction in Việt Nam -
Cao Đình Triều, Giuliano
F. Panza, A. Peresan, F. Vaccari, F. Romanelli, Nguyễn Hữu Tuyên, Phạm Nam
Hưng, Lê Văn Dũng, Mai Xuân Bách, Thái Anh Tuấn, Cao Đình Trọng.
Application of
electrical resistivity and hydrogeology modelling methods to map and
forecast the saltwater intrusion in Thái Bình province -
Nguyễn Như Trung, Trịnh
Hoài Thu, Nguyễn Văn Nghĩa.
Interpretation of
sounding curves in Hồ Chí Minh City by Zohdy method -
Nguyễn Thành Vấn, Lê Ngọc
Thanh, Nguyễn Ngọc Thu, Nguyễn Thị Như Vương, Nguyễn Nhật Kim Ngân.
Magnetotelluric analysis:
Use of invariances in Mohr circles - Nguyễn Thành Vấn, Lê Văn Anh Cường.
Geological structure and tectonic activities
in Ðiện Biên City area based on the shallow high resolution seismic survey - Phạm Năng Vũ, Nguyễn Duy Bình, Tăng Đình Nam.
Influence of the Pacific superplume on the
Eurasian continent - Filatova N.I.
Magnetic susceptibility
study on the Permian/Triassic boundary in Lũng Cẩm Limestone at Hà Giang
Province, Việt Nam - Lưu Thị Phương Lan, Brooks B. Ellwood. Jonathan H.
Tomkin, Đoàn Nhật Trưởng.
Stable isotopic
composition and model of tin ore formation in the Đà Lạt Zone, South Việt
Nam - Nguyễn Thị Bích Thủy.
Petrogenesis and mantle
dynamics of Paleozoic volcanism in the
Sông Đà Structure
Nguyễn Hoàng, Nguyễn Đắc Lư, Nguyễn Văn Can.
palaeostress of the Central Italy -
Some features of global
seismicity - Burmin
Seismic hazard assessment
on the basis of geological and seismological data: Example
from the North Caucasus region
E. Rogozhin.
Tectonic position and geological
manifestations of the 2006 Ol’Utor earthquake in North Kamchatka - Rogozhin
E.A., Ovsyuchenko A.N., Novikov S.S., Marakhanov A.V.
Typical fore- and aftershock behaviour: An
insight from the analysis of the generalized vicinity of strong earthquake - Rodkin M.V.