1Vernadsky State Geological
Museum, Mokhovaya
ul. 11, korp. 2, Moskva, 125009,
e-mail:; 2International Institute of Earthquake
Forecast and Mathematic Geophysics, Profsoyuznaya
ul. 84/32, Moskva, 117997, e-mail:
Abstract: The intensity of seismicity and density of
epicenter distribution were analyzed for Central and SE
Asia east of 65° E.L. within the former Eurasian Plate. This
analysis allows to distinguish some belts and local areas of the stable
development of high seismicity (≥ 1 event par 5 years). They have been
distinguished as along active margins and collision zones at boundaries with
the Pacific, Australian and Indian plates as in some inner parts of the
continent (a “triangle” of seismic activity between the Baikal Lake and both
syntaxes of Himalayas). Side by side with the
consistent dissipation of the seismic energy in front of the Indian Plate, a
local increase of it has been established withdrawing from the plate boundary (Tien Shan, Bayanhar). Data on active faults allow to make
more precise boundaries of the earlier established North Eurasian Plate and
some transit zones between it and adjacent lithosphere plates, including East
and Central Asian zones. Boundaries of more than 40 crust and mantle-crust
blocks were corrected inside these zones, among them, the Amurian and
Japan-Korean blocks. The investigation of the boundaries has been based on the
earthquake mechanism solution in epicenters along them, the quantity of the
seismic energy, which escape in 50-km bands on both sides of boundaries and
vectors of absolute (ITRF) and relative horizontal displacements of blocks
after space-geodetic data. Noticeable deformations of blocks have been revealed
after vectors analysis in transit zones near their boundaries with the Pacific
and Indian plates. Vectors of block horizontal displacements don’t often
coincide with vectors of main plates and change together with the change of
block rigidity. As a result of the analysis, a tentative electronic scheme of
up-to-date block structure is elaborated for Central and SE Eurasia based on a
complex of geologic-geophysical and space-geodetic data.
to the plate tectonics conception, the Earth’s lithosphere is divided into some
main rigid plates, which displace over the more plastic asthenosphere. The
well-known model NNR-NUVEL-1A calculated by plate movements above hot spots and
by linear magnetic anomalies describes their displacement. At the same time,
zones of maximal density of earthquake epicenters (≥ 1 event by 5 years) are distributed not only along the plate
boundaries, but often penetrate far from them into inner parts of plates. The
central and eastern parts of the Eurasian Plate are an excellent example of
such epicenter distribution (Fig. 1). The analysis of seismicity makes it
possible to establish an independent North Eurasian Plate and some blocks
situated south and east of it, which are limited by seismoactive faults [4].
The GPS vectors of blocks often don’t coincide with vectors of the main plates.

1. Scheme of seismicity and modern block
structure of Central and SE Asia. Epicenters
of earthquakes with magnitudes of 8.0-8.9 - large gray, 7.0-7.9 - black,
5.0-6.9 - small gray points. One can see a “triangle” of the maximal seismicity
in Central Asia northeast from the Indian
Plate. Boundaries of lithosphere plates - black (dashed black - supposed),
transit zones - dashed gray, blocks - gray. Arrows correspond to vectors of
horizontal displacement: gray - GPS2005 in ITRF system, black - with respect to
the stable Eurasian Plate. Blocks: 1) Sayan; 2) Altai; 3) West Mongolia; 4) Hangay;
5) Ebinur; 6) Junggar; 7) south Gobi; 8) Kuril - east Kamchatka; 9) Tien Shan;
10) Beishan; 11) Pamir; 12) West Tarim; 13) Quidam; 14) Qilian; 15) Jartai; 16)
North Japan; 17) Afghan; 18) Punjab; 19) Himalaya; 20) North Tibet; 21) South
Tibet; 22) Bayanhar; 23) Kam-Yunnan; 24) Ryukyu - Central Honshu; 25)
Izu-Bonin; 26) Andaman - West Myanmar; 27) Shan; 28) North Luzon; 29) West
Marianna; 30) East Marianna; 31) West Philippines; 32) East Philippines; 33)
Sulawesi Sea; 34) Halmahera; 35) Caroline; 36) Mentawai; 37) North Sulawesi:
38) Banda Sea; 39) Sula “spur”; 40) Sorong; 41) Manus; 42) Timor; 43) Central
Papua; 44) Bismarck Archipelago; 45) Murua (Woodlark),
46) Solomon Sea. LS - Longmen Shan Fault; Q - Qinlin Zone; T - Tanlu Fault.
unhomogeneity of lithosphere plate margins is established by studying on
seismicity and active faults. Some “transit zones” [5] or, after other
researchers, “diffuse boundaries” [1, 6] are developed along these margins.
Such zones divide large lithosphere
plates and provide transfer and relaxation of tectonic stresses that arise
between these plates during their interactions. In Central and SE Asia,
they are the Central Asian, East Asian, and some smaller zones, which consist
of numerous crust or crust-mantle blocks (see Fig. 1). In this paper, we’ll
examined the seismicity, seismic energy and up-to-date block mobility within
the transit zones. Our analysis is fulfilled by using databases on earthquake
distribution, their intensity and mechanism solution [], active faults [14],
space-geodetic measure-ments in the ITRF system [], and some other
geologic-geophysical data contained in the Electronic Geodynamic Globe, which
was created in SGM RAS with participation of authors in 1995-2005 years (
Central Asian transit zone is situated between the Indian and North Eurasian
plates and coincides with a “triangle” of the maximal seismicity of Central Asia (see Fig.1). The vertex of the “triangle” is
in the south end of the Baikal Lake and its base lies between both syntaxes of
the Himalayas. The East Asian zone spreads all
over the most active margins of Eurasia in boundaries with Pacific,
Philippines, Australian and Indian plates as well as over adjacent parts of the
continent. Such large blocks as Tarim, North Tibet, Amurian and Japanese-Korean
ones, SE China, Indochina-Sunda and some
others are included in these zones. Abnormal high seismicity, numerous active
faults and widespread GPS stations characterize the examined territory. The
Russian-Chinese geologic-geophysical transect GGT 21 runs across it from Altai
up to Taiwan [16] and complex geophysical investigations were fulfilled in the
Himalayas and Tibet by the International Project INDEPTH [9, 13].
analysis of mechanism solutions in block boundaries has been making it possible
to precise the type and direction of displacement along them and together with
space-geodetic data often reveals the relative rigidity of the majority of
blocks. For example, the Tien Shan Block (9 – here and further, numbers of
blocks are given in brackets in Fig. 1) is limited by left-lateral wrench
faults along its boundary with the North Eurasian Plate besides predominating
thrusts. As concern the Tarim Block, the compression predominates in its
western boundary together with right-lateral wrench faults, which are also
developed in the northeastern boundary with the Beishan Block (10). Block margins undergo a deformation by
the action of transpressive stress from subduction and collision zones. It is
well catching by analysis of space-geodetic data. Thus, the modern horizontal movement of the Tien Shan and Tarim blocks cannot be regarded as the
motion of absolutely rigid bodies, because a difference between the measured
and model velocities goes beyond the error ellipse at the majority GPS stations
within them [5]. In all probability, this is caused by the location of blocks in the periphery
of the collision zone with intensive deformation processes between Hindustan
and Eurasia.
depth of hypocenters in the southern boundary of the Pamir Block (11) reaches
the maximal value for Central Asia (160-240
km). They correspond to a north-dipping slab of the Indian lithosphere plate.
The mechanism solutions show the predominance of the compression together with
local left-lateral wrench faults (Fig. 2). The hypocenters are shallower (up to
40-80 km) in the northern boundary of Pamir
with the North Eurasian Plate, where the compression also predominates, but
with the south-dipping Benioff Zone. The analysis of seismic tomography data
together with rheology modelling [10] has been showing a faster nearly vertical
subduction of the Indian slab in the south and slower less sloping subduction
of the Eurasian slab in the north.

Figure 2. Mechanical solutions for South Pamir,
Himalayas and Tibet.
Black - plate boundaries, gray - block
differentiated picture of seismicity can be seen in the Himalayas and Tibet.
Local thrusts characterize the boundary of the Indian Plate and the Punjab
Block (18) besides predominating left-lateral wrench-faults. The compression
prevails inside the Himalayas and at the boundary of this block with the Indian
Plate, but at the same time right-lateral wrench faults dominate along
boundaries of North (20) and South Tibet (21).
The mechanical solutions have been showing the local extension in central parts
of Tibet
within narrow and short submeridional zones, which correspond to up-to-date
rifts connected with “crawling off” the mountain ensemble in the latitude
direction due to collision processes. GPS vectors with respect to the stable
Eurasian Plate have been confirming Tibet crawling off. They form a
characteristic divergence with a western deflection (10º NE - 345º NW) near the
western syntax in NW Tibet and Tien Shan and eastern deflection up to 50-70º NE
and nearer the eastern syntax in SE Tibet, Quidam and Sichuan (see Fig. 1). Such divergence and Tibet
crawling off are perhaps connected with the move aside of the crust materials
in front of the Indian indenter [11], including a possible influence of stress
from the relatively rigid Tarim Block. Some geologists explain the vectors
divergence by a slab tear model, in which the Indian lithosphere splitted into
two slabs: a northward-moving slab subducting steeply beneath the western
sector of the Tibet Plateau, and a northeastward-moving slab subducting at a
low angle beneath the eastern sector of the Plateau and the Three Rivers region
GPS vectors’ analysis has been permitting also to make more precise the
boundaries of different tectonic elements, for instance between Amurian and
Japanese-Korean blocks. Coinciding model velocities in the majority of GPS
stations of earlier distinguished Amurian, Ordos and north China blocks proves a small
displacement between these blocks [5]. So, they were amalgamated in the single
Amurian Block withdrawing its southern boundary along the Qinlin Zone (see Fig.
1). This supposition concerns only the up-to-date geokinematic field, since
some Holocene displacements took place along faults, dividing above-mentioned
blocks. By the way, an active zone between former Amurian and North
China blocks with a velocity of extension of about 2.4 mm/yr [7]
can be a local intrablock deformation. The weak modern activity inside the
single Amurian Block is possibly connected with its position on the western
wing of the large right-lateral Tanlu fault, which divides this block and the
Japanese-Korean one.
other smaller transit zones have been established in East and SE
Asia. The North Pacific Zone is situated between Pacific and North
American plates and includes Okhotsk, Kuril - East
Kamchatka and more northern blocks. The Marianna
Zone divides the Pacific and Philippines
plates; the Melanesian Zone is situated between the Pacific and Australian
plates. The examination of these zones is out of frame of this paper.
The block boundaries
are often represented in transit zones not only by single faults, but also by
relatively wide interblock zones. They are characterized by an intensive
shattering of rocks together with releasing a significant quantity of seismic
energy, and so, can be regarded as seismically dangerous. The depth of
hypocenters within them is mainly of 20-40 km that proves the non-dip
penetration of these zones in the lithosphere. Much rarely, it can reach 80-240
km (Pamir). One can see in such zones a
certain analog of transit zones between main plates that reflects a fractal
structure of the continental lithosphere.
The total volume of
seismic energy within the Central Asian transit zone is diminished away from
the northern boundary of the Indian Plate. The diminishing rate is correlated
with the decrease of the deviation modules of experimental vectors from the
vectors calculated by the NNR-NUVEL-1A model [5]. So, on the whole a dissipation of energy is directly proportional to the block
mobility decrease. But, sometimes the maximal quantity of energy releases in
inner parts of the transit zone at the distance 500-1500 km from the plate
boundary. The most active interblock zones limited the following blocks: Pamir
(11), Tien Shan (9), and Bayanhar (22). A
volume of the seismic energy released along each of them reaches ≥ 5·1022 erg, while along other boundaries it doesn’t exceed 3·1019 - 2·1022 erg. Making this calculation we
took 50-km
bands on both sides of boundaries.
same interblock zones are characterized by a maximal specific energy by 1 km of
their length (> 4.5·1019 erg) and by a
maximal deviation of GPS vectors from average vector values on the main plates.
The eastern boundary of the Bayanhar Block coincides with a global lineament of
102-103º E.L. [4], which passes here along the Longmen Shan fault. A steep step
corresponds to it in the crust and whole lithosphere with their thickness
diminishing to the east (Fig. 3). It is worthy to note that a difference in the
lithosphere mantle and crust interrelation is approximately assumed in both
sides of the lineament. There is strong coupling between crust and mantle to the west beneath Tibet, but a complete decoupling between crust
and mantle east beneath the Yunnan
crust. The dynamic model of the mantle shows that the Yunnan
and Indochina crust is moving southward with
respect to the mantle at rates as high as ~30 mm/yr, while the mantle is
displaced northeastward. And beneath Tibet both are moving northward [2,
total volume of the energy released along Bayanhar interblock zone
(6.358-6.376·1023 erg) is only in 2.5 lesser than
the energy of one of the most active North Japan
subduction zone (15.332·1023 erg) and nearly equal to the
total energy along the northern boundary of the Indian Plate (≥ 6.096·1023 erg). At the same time, it is by order greater than the
energy of relatively weakly active subduction zones, for example, south Ryukyu
(7.913·1022 erg). Therefore, the most active interblock zones of
Central Asia differ from subduction and collision zones mainly by the depth of
their penetration in the lithosphere and underlying upper mantle and are rather
near to them by the realizing seismic energy volume.
Besides above-mentioned high-energy interblock
zones it is necessary to name some others, the specific energy of which comes
to 1.0-4.5·1019 erg. They limited Sayan (1), South
Tibet (21), northern side of the Amurian Block and also can be
regarded as potentially dangerous. It is worth to mention that in considered
parts of Central and SE Asia, the majority of interblock zones goes in Russia,
China, Myanmar, Viet Nam and other countries through regions of dense
population, widely developed infrastructure and large mineral deposits. It
emphasizes the applied significance of examination of problems connected with
the geodynamics of these zones.

Figure 3. The
southeastern part of the transect GGT 21 after the work [16] with some additions:
1) The upper part, and 2) The lower part of the upper crust; 3) Middle crust:
4) The upper, and 5) The lower part of the lower crust; 6) Thermal lithosphere
(LID); 7) Electromagnet lithosphere; 8) Low velocity layers in the crust. Small
figures on the transect profile correspond to velocity values of S-waves. The
horizontal scale is reduced to one to seventh of the vertical scale.
data from different regions show that, the boundaries of the large lithosphere
plates nowhere are simple contacts and almost always are complex multilevel
zones. Geophysical soundings including the dip seismic tomography allow to
suppose a wide diapason of the depth of block mechanical soles in transit
zones. Such blocks as Junggar (6), Tien Shan (9) and some others have
undoubtedly the crust nature and are not distinguished on the lithosphere level
as it can be seen in the southeastern part of the transect GGT 21 (see Fig. 3).
Just so, 95 % of earthquake hypocenters lie in Tien Shan
within upper 20 km of the crust. At the same time Tarim, Quidam (13), Bayanhar
(22) and especially SE China Block have distinct thick lithosphere roots. The
same roots (170-200 km) are also established for central parts of the Amurian
Block [8]. It is worthy to note that just these blocks are characterized by the
higher rigidity and a relatively weak deformation.
would be the lithosphere substance in transit zones is on different levels at
specific quasi-plastic conditions. As results of magnetotelluric sounding in
the Himalayas and Tibet
show, some hypothetical partly molten horizons are situated in the depth 20-25
km [9, 13]. According to seismic tomography data low velocity layers are established
in some sectors under Tarim and Bayanhar at the depth 20-30 km and under
Junggar and Tien Shan at 35-45 km [16]. Under
Quidam, the same layers are situated on both mentioned levels (see Fig. 3).
They also most likely correspond to partly molten horizons.
examination of transit zones in Central and SE Asia
shows abnormally high release of the seismic energy within relatively narrow
interblock zones withdrawn from active subduction and collision zones. We
suppose that it can be connected with a different rigidity and a specific dip
structure of some blocks, which result in their non-equivalent reaction at
tectonic strains. Blocks with the thickest lithosphere roots are the most rigid
and weakly deformed (SE China, Amurian Block).
This problem requires the further examination as well as a closer definition of
levels, on which the block mechanical soles are settled down in transit zones.
work is fulfilled with the assistance of the Earth Sciences Department RAS
(Program No. 6 “Geodynamics and deformation mechanism of lithosphere”) and RFBR
(grant No. 06-05-64866). Authors are grateful to Prof. Cao Dinh Trieu, Dr. T.V.
Romanyuk, Dr. V.A. Sankov, and Prof. G.A. Sobolev for kind useful remarks and
advices during the preparation of the paper.
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