University of
Natural Sciences,
227 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Dist. 5, HCMC.
Abstract: The Đồng
The Đồng
The refraction model is
based on the idea of irrotationality of wave number and conservation of the
wave action. The irrotationality of wave number is usually expressed in form of
the Snell’s law [2]:
Where: k is wave number and
q: wave direction with respect to the x-axis.
The dynamic part of the
problem is described by the conservation of wave action. In order to develop a
quantitative model for waves at least on a macroscopic level, the energy
dissipation due to wave breaking is included in the equation of the
conservation of wave action as follows [4]:
Where: S and W are the x, y
components of the wave action;
Where: the dE is the
incremental of wave energy over the wave number band dk and at a directional
angle q; the D is wave action dissipation due to wave
To estimate the dissipated
wave action D due to wave breaking, the resemblance between surf zone waves and
bores is applied from [3].
The wave motion in the
coastal area is induced by wind wave incident from the open sea along the
offshore boundary. The mean wave height and mean wave
are assumed to be
known along this boundary. A coastal boundary is a moving boundary due to
tides. Within the area of interest, the water depth h(x, y) is a varying
function of the both coordinates. Moreover, the current velocity vector
is assumed to be
known. To avoid the difficulties in defining the boundary condition at the
lateral boundaries, outside the area the bottom topography is defined by
parallel bottom contours. Unknown functions of the problem are characteristic
wave parameters, i.e. significant wave height Hs, mean wave length
and mean wave
in the grid points.
For the arbitrary bottom
configuration, the equations (1) and (2) can be solved only numerically. In
this study, the finite-difference scheme suggested by Dalrymple [1] is used. In
this case, a central difference in x and averaged forward and backward
differences in y provides for an O (Dx2, DxDy, Dy2)
1. Location of the studied site:
The studied arrea is
situated at the Đồng Tranh estuary, Cần Giờ District, south of Hồ Chí Minh City.
The Cần Giờ District lies in a recently formed, soft, silty delta with an
irregular, semi-diurnal tidal regime. The Đồng Tranh is a calm area except for
the eastern side near the Đồng Tranh estuary, from the Đồng
2. Dimension of chosen area and initial input
selected area for wave field calculation is from the Đồng
geographical positions of calculated area OABC are as follows: O = 10o22’50”
N, 106o52’4.6” E; A = 10o22’49.8” N, 106o52’33.56”
E; B = 10o23’49.2” N, 106o52’34” E; C = 10o23’49.2”
N, 106o52’4.6” E. Based on
the measured data on the Đồng Tranh River [7], the initial conditions for wave
characteristics are chosen as follows: wave period T = 3s, wave direction q = 45°, mean velocity in the NE direction
over the observed area. The initial wave height will be chosen in two cases:
mean wave height (H0 = 0.5 m) and high wave height (H0 =
1 m).
The topography at the Đồng
The Fig. 3 and 4 show the computed results of wave
fields (Fig. 3) and of significant wave heights (Fig. 4) when the water levels
are high (a, b), medium (c, d) and low (e, f) and when initial wave heights get
0.5 m (a, c, e) and 1 m (b, d, f). It is obvious that the waves get refracted
and transformed as propagating into shallower area. The wave directions change
as they travel from the estuary to shallower water. The approaching angles
decrease and the wave crests tend to conform to the bottom contours. Results of
q(x, y) calculation are relevant to Snell’s law. The wave height at any particular point depends on two
basic mechanisms, i.e. wave shoaling and energy dissipation. At relatively
great water depth, the wave shoaling dominates and wave height is increasing.
When the limiting water depth is reached, the waves start to be broken and wave
height decreases. When the water levels are high and medium (cases a, b, c),
most of wave heights increase and the waves are not broken. However, when the
water level is low enough (cases e, f) or the initial wave height is high
enough (case d), the breaking waves can be observed. Especially in the case f,
when the water level is low as well as the initial wave is high, most of waves
are broken and the wave height decreases quickly. It is obvious that the wave
field depends strongly on initial wave characteristics, currents and water
depth of the observed area.
From the computed results of wave field at the Đồng Tranh estuary in six
different cases, it should be noted that many highest wave heights concentrate
mainly in two special sites, namely X and Y as shown in Fig. 5. In the area X,
the highest waves are found in all six cases while in the area Y, the highest
waves can be seen only in case of low water. In the Fig. 5, it can be seen that
the area X is not far from the Nang Hai mangrove forest. The Nang Hai area is
being eroded seriously and quickly, proving that wave action is the main reason
for such erosion [7, 8]. Therefore, the calculated results for the
concentration of high-wave energy in the area X can be explained and emphasized
that wave energy is one of the most important reason of the serious erosion at
Nang Hai site.
Figure 1. The calculated area and chosen
coordinate system at the Đồng Tranh estuary.
Figure 2. Topography of
the Đồng Tranh river area in 2008.
Based on the data of mean
wave characteristics and topography at the observed area, the calculated
results present the distribution of wave field at the Đồng Tranh estuary. The
wave field depends strongly on initial wave characteristics, currents and water
depth of the observed area. They also prove the concentration of high wave
energy in some sites in calculated area that could be considered as the cause
for erosion in surrounding mangrove areas, especially at Nang Hai mangrove
forest. The model has some restrictions, such as mean currents, neglect of the
energy dissipation due to bottom friction, diffraction… However, the model
provides a convenient tool for prediction of wind wave propagation in shallow
waters and also provides a realistic solutions in many practical problems, when
some sophisticated models are not available.
Figure 3. Computed
wave fields when water levels are high (a, b), medium (c, d) and low (e, f) and
when initial wave heights reach 0.5 (a, c, e) and 1 m (b, d, f).
Figure 4. Computed
significant wave heights when water levels are high (a, b), medium (c, d) and
low (e, f) and when initial wave heights get 0.5 (a, c, e) and 1 m (b, d, f).
Figure 5. Concentration of the highest
wave energy in the areas X and Y
at the Đồng Tranh estuary.
Acknowledgements: The
authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. Massel S.R. and Prof. La
T. Cang for invaluable advices in the development of the wave model.
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