1University of Natural Sciences, VNU-HC;
2Hồ Chí Minh City Institute of Geographic Resources, VAST ;
3Geological Mapping Division of South Việt
Abstract: Resistivity, one of physical parameters
of material, plays an important role in many fields of research and
application. Especially in geotechnical field, it is a necessary parameter to
estimate the effect in underground construction, to protect the buildings from
electrochemical effects and designing lightning-conductors, etc.
methods can be used to get the true resistivity of geological environment, in
which vertical electric sounding (VES) is one of the most usual methods, that
has been used for the resistivity testing.
this paper, we introduce the average resistivity maps of Hồ Chí Minh city,
based on the Zohdy method, the traditional and Dudás formulas with a huge of
VES points.
1. Theory of the method
Using the basic
problem in resistivity sounding measurements based on a horizontally layered
model, the potential U(r) at the surface of the layered earth is:
where: J0(lr) - Bessel function;
R(l) - the kernel function.
With symmetric
four-electrode configuration, the potential difference between the measuring
electrodes is:
Thus, the expression
for the apparent resistivity equation is:
or (4)
where T(l) = r.R(l) , c = b/s.
· In a special case for the Wenner electrode
configuration, we have (a - the distance between consecutive electrodes) and
. Substituting these values into
eq. (4), we obtain:
· With the Schlumberger electrode configuration,
the formula of apparent resistivity is obtained in the form
We replace the
independent variables by logarithmic ones. The advantage of logarithmic
variables over a linear scale for the independent ones is that the curves have
the more regular appearance on the logarithmic scale.
The variables x and y that are defined as x =
ln(s), y = ln(1/l) = -ln(l). With the above changes, eqs. (4), (5) and (6) become
According to the
Fourier transform, if a function T(y)
is sampled at sample distances (y0
+ jDy) then the value of the function at an abscissa value y would be
obtained as:
From this
where fj
- filter coefficients.
Setting h = x - y, the filter coefficients may be written as:
Now, there are many
filters with different sampling intervals (6, 10, 11,…) per decade. For
example, Johansen’s filter and Ghosh’s filter with 140 and 9 corresponding
filter coefficients are used. Here we choose Abramova’s filter with 15 filter
The purpose of
digitizing the sounding curves is to speed up the computations of the
succession of theoretical sounding curves used in the iterative process.
2. Interpretation of the Zohdy method
On the basis of the
above mentioned theory, the automatic interpretation of sounding curves is
carried out by the following steps:
a. Plotting observed
curve on a logarithmic scale (including electrode spacing (AB/2) and apparent
resistivities scales) from field data points.
b. If electrode
spacing (AB/2) have N values, the interpretation will automatically determine
that the model has N layers. The jth layer thickness is ABj/2
– ABj-1/2; the jth layer resistivity rj is also jth layer
apparent resistivity rapp.j. A number of layers does not
change throughout the interpretation (Fig. 1a).
c. Based on the
above assumed model with the parameters determined from step b, the program
will solve forward problem with Abramova’s filter having 15 filter
coefficients; plotting the calculated curve (Fig. 1b), then computing
square (rms) percent from the equation:
where: r0j - j th “observed” apparent resistivity; rcj - jth “calculated” apparent resistivity; N - number of digitized apparent
resistivity points (with j = 1 to N).
We compare the rms
percent with the given condition. If the rms
percent is minimum (less than 5 percent or a prescribed limit), the iterative
process will be terminated. Then, the assumed depths and resistivities are also
the true ones. If the above condition is not satisfied, we reach the next step.
Figure 1. Basic steps in the
qutomatic irritation method
d. Change in the
layer depths and resistivities (Fig. 1c).
The depths decrease
for each iteration. For the stability all the layer depths are reduced by 10
percent. The amplitude of a layer resistivity is iteratively adjusted as:
where i - number of iteration; j - jth layer and spacing; ri(j) - jth layer resistivity at the jth iteration; rci(j) - calculated apparent resistivity at the jth spacing for
th jth iteration; r0(j) - observed apparent resistivity at the jth spacing.
With the new values,
in repeated step b) the assumed depths and resistivities are equal to the
adjusted ones. The iterative process is continued until the condition of step
c) is met (Fig. 1d).
3. Method for the calculation of average resistivity
After calculating
the resistivities from the automatic interpretation by Zohdy method, we
determine the average resistivities of Hồ Chí Minh City by the following
Method for calculating the average resistivity by traditional formulas
It is assummed that
the subsurface consists of n layers having the corresponding thicknesses and
resistivities h1, r1; h2, r2; …; hn, rn. Then the vertical conductance
of ith layer is and
is the vertical
conductance of all sections.
Similarly, ti =
hi.ri is horizontal resistance of ith
layer and is horizontal
resistance of multilayered models.
The layer is assumed
to be homogeneous and have a thickness H and total vertical conductance S. So,
its resistivity r = H/S is equal to its vertical average resistivity.
Similarly, the
vertical average resistivity for multilayered models.
From eq.(7) and (8),
we obtain the average resistivity for multilayered models.
Methods for calculating the average resistivity by Dudás fomulas
Using the parameters
obtained from the automatic interpretation by Zohdy method, including the resistivity r and layer thickness
m, the average resistivities are determined by Dudás formulas.
· The average resistivity r0hj calculated from the surface down to depth hj is:
where , j = 1, 2, …
· The average resistivity r(hj-1)-hj for depth intervals (from hj-1 to hj) is:
1. Geology and hydrogeology
Almost area of the Hồ
Chí Minh City is covered by Neogene-Quaternary sediments. From the surface of
the earth, there exist 2 first sediment beds:
- Holocene
sediments: unconsolidated ones, including clay, silt and sand, 20-30 m
- Pleistocene
sediments: consolidated ones, including sand, gravel, …
and the first two
aquifers :
Figure 2.
Map of field data points in Hồ Chí
Minh city
- Holocene
aquifer (qh): distributed in narrow areas of Bình Chánh and Cần Giờ
districts, 8 m thick;
- Pleistocene
aquifer (qp): distributed all over the City, including the City centre, Tân
Bình, 2, 9, Thủ Đức, Hóc Môn and Củ Chi districts.
2. Average resistivity maps
Over 500 field data
points in Hồ Chí Minh City have been collected (Fig. 2). From these data the
average resistivity maps are built by the both above methods for the sequence
lying between 0 and 5 m and 5 and 10 m, respectively. The same results are
obtained that are presented in Figs. 3a, b and 4a, b.
The maps show that
the average resistivities of Hồ Chí Minh City change in a large range from 2 to
hundreds ohm-m, in which Cần Giờ, Bình Chánh, 8, Nhà Bè district areas have low
or very low resistivity values, less than 2.0 ohm-m, indicating saline zones.
This is an advantage for connecting to ground and designing
lightning-conductors, but a disadvantage for protecting the buildings from
electrochemical effect.
Meanwhile, the Thủ Đức,
Hóc Môn, Gò Vấp and Tân Bình districts have high average resistivity values,
more than 20 ohm-m, especially the Củ Chi district has very high resistivity
values, over 200 ohm-m. Other areas have average resistivity values, from 5 to
20 ohm-m.
The average
resistivity maps for different depths in Hồ Chí Minh City were built from
reliable data. The automatic interpretation of sounding curves using Abramova’s
filter with 15 filter coefficients does not make a noise when the geological
medium is complex. Moreover, this method does not depend subjectively on interpreters.
The results obtained by traditional and Dudás formulars are the same, which
could be made reference to designing the buildings related to conductivity in Hồ
Chí Minh City areas.
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