2D.H. HIEN, 1S. JANG, 1Y. KIM, 1S. SUH

1Seismic Data Processing Team, Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources
2University of Science and Technology, Korea

Abstract: Deconvolution is one of the most used techniques for processing seismic reflection data. It is applied to improve temporal resolution by wavelet shaping and removal of short period reverberations. Several deconvolution algorithms, such as predictive, spike, minimum entropy deconvolution and so on, have been proposed to obtain such above purposes. Among them, l1 norm inversion deconvolution has given advantages to invert the seismic reflectivity, acoustic impedance and enhance the seismic signal. Theoretically, deconvolution can be considered as an inversion technique that inverts the single seismic trace to the reflectivity of the subsurface, but it has not been successfully adopted due to noisy signals of the real data set. After stacking, we can get the subsurface image whose seismic traces are moved to the zero offset, thus each of them now can be a single trace that is created by convolving the seismic source wavelet and reflectivity. So that, the single stacked trace can be deconvolved to get the reflectivity then gather up to get the full image of reflectivity.

In this paper, the fundamental of l1 norm inversion deconvolution method will be introduced. The method will be tested by synthetic data, then applied for Korean offshore seismic data set for gas hydrate exploration. The result of poststack deconvolution not only shows that the stacked image of subsurface has been improved by removing multiples but also gives a good estimation of seismic reflectivity and acoustic impedance for further analysis of bottom simulating reflector (BSR) location .


Deconvolution in seismic data processing is one of the methods enhancing the signal by removing the multiples. Furthermore, the deconvolution is also an inversion technique recovering the seismic reflectivity, which is considered as one of seismic attribute. With the knowing of reflectivity, the direct estimation of lithology and pore fluid is possible, that is very significant to the oil and gas exploration in general, and gas hydrate exploration in particular.

Gas hydrate is solid like substances naturally occurring at the bottom of ocean or in the polar areas. It contains vast, unstable reserves of methane and other natural gases. Many believe that, if released in the environments, the methane from gas hydrate would be considerable hazards to marine ecosystem, coastal population or worse, that would dangerously contribute to the global warming. On the other hand, gas hydrate contains enough natural gas to provide and energy supply to the XXI century [1]. Gas hydrate study in Ulleung basin has been established since 1997. Numerous seismic surveys have been carried out in this location to explore the location of gas hydrate, as well as the geological structure of Ulleung basin. Most of field data sets of gas hydrate have processed conventionally and reported by Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (KIGAM). The exploration results reported by Ryu et al. [9] showed that the strong BSR, blank zones and chimney structure occur in some seismic sections, that indicated the existence of gas hydrate in which the BSR occurs most commonly in the seismic data of gas hydrate location. Thus, it will be a target of gas hydrate seismic exploration. BSR, known as the boundary between free gas and gas hydrate has several characteristics in the seismic data, such as parallel to the sea bottom, high amplitude, reducing the interval velocity and phase reverse to the sea bottom reflector. Consequently, the seismic data processing has been trying to find out those criteria in the seismic data for further analysis. Complex analysis, introduced by Jang et al. [2], has been used for such those purposes. As mentioned previously, the phase and amplitude of seismic data depend much on the reflectivity of the subsurface. Thus, the reflectivity profile of the subsurface obtained from deconvolution of stack image could aim to identify the BSR location of seismic section for the Gas hydrate exploration.

The scopes of study presenting in this research is: 1) review on the seismic properties of sedimentary bearing with gas hydrate and its contribution to the seismic attribute analysis; 2) summarize principle of the l1 norm inversion algorithm and its accurate verification by synthetic trace; and 3) application of l1 norm inversion to the real gas hydrate seismic data acquired by KIGAM in 2000 for BSR analysis.


Gas hydrate (Fig. 1), the solid-like substance, is composed of methane molecule at the centre and number of surrounding water molecule. It has been paid more attention to study for two delicates because: 1) It can be considered as a new energy resources; 2) One of reasons causing the instability of sea floor slope; and 3) A factor of the climate change. The gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) (Fig. 2) occurs naturally beneath the sea bottom or in a permafrost area where the sedimentary is high organic carbon concentration. As gas hydrate is very sensitive to the heat and pressure, the existence of GHSZ (Fig. 2) depends on sea-floor temperature, thermal gradient and availability of organic carbon in the sediments. Similar to the petroleum system, the gas hydrate system needs three important geological features including: in situ generation of methane (source rock), clathratisation of conventional reservoir (reservoir rock) and baffling of gas seepage (trap) [1]. Seismic reflection is the most powerful tool for gas hydrate exploration. One of very interesting events occurring in seismic data is blank zone or chimney structure, which indicates for the gas seepage. The other important indicator for gas hydrate existence in the seismic data is BSR, which appears at the boundary between gas hydrate and free gas zone due to much different velocities between gas hydrate and free gas zone. If the velocity of gas hydrate-bearing sediments is obtained, the gas hydrate concentration can be qualified.

The compressional and shear velocities of gas hydrate-bearing sediments will change significantly to the ones consisting of flow fluid, such as free gas or water, whereas its density does not change much. Some empirical approaches have been proposed to predict the velocity of gas hydrate-bearing sediments such as time average equation [14], Woods equation [13], Kuster-Toksoz equation [4] and weighted equation [5]. The elastic properties of such materials are shown in Tab. 1. These parameters are used to determine the velocity of gas hydrate-bearing sediments based on above prediction method and the results are shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 1. Gas hydrate compound [1].

Figure 2. The GHSZ inserts depicting the pressure and temperature profile in well [1].


Table 1. The basic elastic constants of various materials of sedimentary rock [5].



Vp (km/s)

Vs (km/s)

ρ (g/cm3)

K (GPa)

G (GPa)



















Lee et al., 1996









King, 1984



Sand (quartz)






Tokoz et al., 1976









Tosaya and Nur, 1982









Lee et al., 1996











Figure 3. Predicted velocity.
a) based on average time equation, b) Wood's Equation, c) weighted equation.


These calculations also help to qualify amount of gas hydrate associated with sediments and as mentioned by Lee et al. [5], the weighted gave best prediction velocity of gas hydrate-bearing sediments. As seen in Fig. 3, the velocity of gas hydrate-bearing sediments is much higher than that consisting of free gas, thus the high acoustic impedance contrast between gas hydrate and free gas zone. Consequently, the BSR has high reflectivity. However, in some cases the BSRs do not appear in seismic sections although the gas hydrate exists. The occurrence of BSR in the seismic section may cause the several seismic features such as phase, amplitude and frequency change significantly as reported by Jang et al. [2] when the complex analysis was adopted.


The seismic trace x(t) is created by convolving the reflectivity r(t) and source wavelet s(t) and additive noise term n(t) as given:

x(t) = r(t)*s(t) + n(t) (1)

where * denotes for convolution operator.

The purpose of deconvolution is to recover the reflectivity from the seismic trace if the source wavelet is known or well estimated. If the subsurface is assumed to be flat, the reflectivity function will be zero everywhere, except at those times τk correspoding to two way travel time to kth layer


where NL is the total number of layers, and rk is the reflectivity coefficient at the interface between kth and k+1th layer. The acoustic impedance in the kth layer is defined as:


where vk and ρk is velocity and density of kth layer, respectively. The reflectivity coefficient at the base of kth layer depends upon the acoustic impedance contrast and is given by:


A rearrangement of eq. (4) yields:


The relationship between acoustic impedance and reflectivity function is approximated as [8, 12]:


The solution of above ordinary derivative equation is given as:


where is surface impedance. Let us define:

Thus, from eq. (6) we have:


The linear program approach is used to extract the information about r(t) used only "appraisal" methods whose goals was to recover unique information about the reflectivity in the form of averages <r(t)> = r(t)*a(t), where a(t) is the averaging function [7]. The alternative way of extracting information about reflectivity function is to write the discrete form of eq. (1)

j = 1, 2, , N           (9)

Eq. (9) can be used to construct acceptable models, that is, function r(t) which reproduces the data to within an error justified by their accuracy. The primary obstacle for this approach is nonuniqueness. There are infinitely many acceptable modes and they will not necessarily be similar. This nonuniqueness must be reduced if the construction methods are to be useful, and in order to do this, more information must be supplied. One of piece of information comes from the assumption that the earth structure is adequately represented by sequence of homogeneous layers. With that hypothesis, the reflectivity function could be expressed in the mathematical form as given in eq. (2). The usefulness of eq. (2) is discussed more detailed by Oldenburg et al. [7].

The extraction of reflectivity function could be used the l1 norm, consequently minimize:




Either Φ1 or Φ2 can be minimized, but the minimization of Φ2 leads to particularly simple results, using the definition of η(t) and eq. (6), we obtain:


Thus, minimizing Φ2 is equivalent to minimizing:


In the time discrete form of reflectivity function, r(t) can be expressed as:


where N is number of time sample and Δ is the time interval. Substitution of eq. (14) to eq. (13) yields


as an objective function to be minimized. The minimization of eq. (15) is precisely the problem dealt with by Levy and Fullagar [6]. Their solution is briefly outlined here. Taking the Fourier transform of eq. (14) and separating into real and imaginary parts, we have



The most straight forward estimate of Fourier transform of reflectivity Rj is from Fourier transform of seismic trace (X) and source wavelet (W), that is:


Actually, the seismic trace is contaminated by noise and in practice the source wavelet can only be approximated. Nevertheless, errors for the real and imaginary portions of Rj can often be estimated and hence Re{Rj} and Im{Rj} can be emitted as a constraint in the linear programming algorithm by requiring




where δj is the standard deviation of Re{Rj} or Im{Rj} and α is some factor determining the goodness of fit.

Figure 4. l1 norm deconvolution result of the 1D synthetic seismic trace.

The detailed linear programming is discussed by Odenburg et al. [7]. In order to verify the algorithm, 1D synthetic trace is used to test the algorithm.

The result algorithm of l1 norm is shown in Fig. 4, where Fig. 4a shows the true reflectivity, Fig. 4b shows the seismic trace convolving from the Ricker source wavelet (with central frequency f = 20 Hz) and seismic reflectivity. The Gaussian random noise was added to the seismic trace. Fig. 4c and Fig. 4d present the inverted reflectivity and predicted seismic trace, respectively. Comparing Fig. 4a and Fig. 4c we may see the result of l1 norm inversion looks quite good in term of position and amplitude and Fig. 4d indicates the improvement of the original seismic trace without noise term. The synthetic example confirms the accuracy of algorithm and it could be used for real data set analysis.


The purpose of gas hydrate exploration is to find out the gas hydrate indicators in the seismic section such as BSR, pull up structure and blanking amplitude zone in which the BSR is the most common representative of gas hydrate seismic section. There are several seismic attribute used to amplify the existence of BSR such as amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis, complex analysis. The first and second derivative of amplitude are also used to analyze the BSR as introduced by Jang et al. [2]. Interestingly, the result showed that phase, frequency, amplitude, first and second derivatives of amplitude sections are all located at the same boundary known as BSR due to significantly change of velocity between gas hydrate and free gas zone as mentioned in previous section. Further more, the velocity of sedimentary bearing with gas hydrate change nearly proportionally with amount of gas hydrate concentration while the lithological density does not change much. Thus, the acoustic impedance and reflectivity will be highly contrasted between above and below the BSR. Consequently, reflectivity and acoustic impedance could be as useful seismic attribute for gas hydrate data analysis.

Table 2. Geometric and acquisition parameters of seismic survey

Receiver interval

6.25 m

Shot interval

12.5 m

No. of receiver per shot gather



50-643.75 m

Total number of shots


Number of time samples


Time interval

1 ms

Lowcut filter

5 Hz/18 dB

Highcut filter

360 Hz / 73 dB


The seismic data were acquired in 2000 by KIGAM. The following processed data is a part of line 10 that is highlighted. The geometric and acquisition parameters are given in Tab. 2. Fig. 5 shows the work flow of conventional seismic data analysis while Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b show the shot gather No. 4874 and its result of preprocessed data for gas hydrate exploration in Ulleung basin, respectively.

All preprocess and processed steps are performed by GEOBIT developed by Suh [10]. One of advantages of GEOBIT is using the interactive velocity picking tool based on X-window, which gives more accurate and unique picking velocity. So, the stack data will give unique imaging of the subsurface. The result of the conventional seismic data analysis is stack image that is used for geological interpretation (Fig. 7).

The stack image is known as removal of coherent noise and makes all seismic traces to be zero offset traces. Consequently, each trace now can be considered as the result of convolving seismic reflectivity and source wavelet. Thus, 1D l1 norm inversion could be applied to individual traces of stacked section to obtain the reflectivity. Gathering all inverted seismic reflectivity of each trace makes full reflectivity to the stack data. The source wavelet mostly used for approximation is zero wavelet or minimum wavelet. In this case, the zero phase wavelet with central frequency equal to 20 Hz is used as wavelet approximation. The inverted reflectivity section and convolved stack section obtained from l1 norm inversion method is shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. Let take an example of a single seismic trace at position of 7.2 km from the beginning of analyzed survey line including original seismic trace, inverted reflectivity, convolved trace and acoustic impedance then plot in the same figure as shown in Fig. 10.

Figure 5. Work flow of conventional seismic processing.

Figure 6. A shot gather and preprocessed result.

Closely look at Fig. 10a and Fig. 10c, we may see the seismic trace and calculated trace are almost similar that indicate the concise inversion of reflectivity. However, according to the BSR criteria as mentioned above, it is quite difficult to identify the BSR from the single trace in term of amplitude and phase. In Fig. 10d, we may see the acoustic impedance gradually increase to the two ways time (TWT) of 3.2 second and then reduce rapidly, after that those values are kept almost constant. Additionally, the reflectivity is highly reversed at the TWT of 3.2 second. This information could indicate that the BSR is located at TWT of 3.2 second. Similarly, the analysis of acoustic impedance and reflectivity section could locate the BSR in the seismic section as indicated in Fig. 9.

Figure 7. Stack image of gas hydrate data line #10.

Figure 8. Inverted reflectivity of gas hydrate data line #10.

Figure 9. Calculated stack image from inverted reflectivity.

Figure 10. Inverted reflectivity and its acoustic impedance
of a single trace at the position of 7.2 km.


1. l1 inversion deconvolution technique has been reviewed and verified its accuracy by the synthetic model. The result shows that the inverted seismic reflectivity looks almost similar to the original one and the estimated seismic trace has removed the multiples that enhance the signals.

2. The seismic velocity characterization of gas hydrate-bearing sediments leads to identifying the BSR in the seismic section as an indicator of the existence of gas hydrate. Consequently, BSR is a target of gas hydrate exploration.

3. The seismic data processed by Geobit has been adopted successfully for gas hydrate data set and the l1 norm inversion has been also applied to the stack section to obtain the reflectivity and improved seismic signal. Detailed analysis of reflectivity and acoustic impedance clearly shows the BSR location in individual traces then for whole seismic section.


This research was supported by the Contribution Project of the Korea Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) funded by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy of Korea.


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