1Hồ Chí Minh
Abstract: This paper presents some
features of the ionospheric response observed in Hồ Chí Minh
The effects of magnetic storm on the ionosphere are
complex and deviate greatly from average behaviour. There are some common
elements of behaviour for most storms, but it has been recognized that in the
low latitude regions the ionospheric response to particular geomagnetic storms manifests some irregularities.
The studies of magnetic storm effects on the
ionosphere usually concentrate on the deviation of the F-layer parameters during
storm periods from monthly averages [13]. Effects of electromagnetic drift can
be studied by changes in the height of the F-layer [14]. Danilov and Morozova
[4] suggested the characteristics of ionospheric storms should be studied in
terms of deviations of the F-layer critical frequency foF2 for positive and
negative phases from the median value and changes in the minimum virtual height
h’F and the peak height hpF2.
Many reports show details
of the variation of electron density at the F2-layer peak or foF2, h’F and hpF
variations. These variations are involved with enhancement or reduction during
the positive and negative storm phases. A study of the disturbed ionosphere in
the Australasian and American zones during IGY-IGC was done by G. Rajaram and R.G.
Rastogi (1970). Adeniyi [1] reported magnetic storm effect on the F2-layer at
Hồ Chí Minh
The study is based on the ionosonde data collected
during three major geomagnetic storms in 2003: 17-18 August, 29-30 October and
20 November. The analysis of the ionospheric data is restricted to the critical
frequency of F- region (foF2) and the
minimum virtual height (h’F). The ionograms recorded every 15 minutes at HCM
Observatory were scaled to obtain foF2 and h’F parameters. For comparison
purposes, the monthly average values will be presented. The magnetic
H-component values obtained at HCM Observatory were used for this analysis. The
maximum negative excursions of the H-component observed for these storms varied
between 217 and 512 nT. The Dst was
downloaded from the website: http://swdcdb.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/wdc
The periods selected for the present study related
to storm effects are: 17-19 August, 2003; 29-31 October, 2003; 19-21 November,
The local
time LT = UT + 7 hours and hence local nighttime is
1. Storm of 17-18 August, 2003
This storm occurred with a SC at
Fig. 1 shows the Dst variations along with the
H-component, foF2 and h’F observed at HCMC observatory during 17-19 August.
The initial stage was from
The most striking feature is the increase of
maximum F-region ionization levels in the daytime of this storm period. On 18
August the increase was more than 3 MHz above average, and on 19 August there
was also an increase of about 1 MHz. There was a fall in the foF2 values during
the interval 12 UT - 14 UT, 18 August, which corresponds to the period of
maximum decrease of the magnetic field. Accompanying this decrease of foF2 is
an increase of the h’F. The value of the h’F at 13 UT was raised about 70 km
compared with the mean value.
An increase with about 80 km in h’F during
post-midnight period 19-20 UT (02-03 LT), August 18, corresponding to the early
part of the recovery phase was observed.
Figure 1. Dst
index, H-component variations, foF2 and h’F for the August,
2003 storm along with respective monthly mean values.
The hatched portions indicate the local night
Figure 2. Ionograms obtained at Hồ Chí Minh
Figure 3. Ionograms obtained at Hồ Chí Minh
on 18 August showing the presence of intense sporadic E.
2. Storm of 29-30 October
Fig. 4 shows the
H-component, foF2 and h’F observed during 29-31 October and the Dst. It
can be seen that this is a large and complex magnetic storm judging from the
variations of the magnetic field. Following the sudden commencement at 03 UT
(10 LT) on 29 October, the initial phase lasted from
At the SC of this storm the frequency foF2 sudden increased to 14 MHz (a
6 MHz increase compared with the mean value 7.9 MHz for this month). Similar to
the first storm, the foF2 values show an increase of ionization mostly during
daytime during both the initial and the main phase. During the period 16 UT -
17 UT (23 LT - 24 LT) on 30 October sporadic E was observed. During the early
part of the recovery phase there were two substorms and the observations show
large increases of the critical frequencies that reached 13 MHz at
Figure 4. Dst index, H-component variations, foF2 and h’F for the
2003 storm along with respective monthly
mean values.
The base height h’F variations observed during this
storm (Panel 3 of Figure 4) show a rapid and large post-midnight uplifting
around 22 UT, October 29, reaching about 570 km on 29 October, considerably
above the mean value of this month (~250 km).
Another effect of this magnetic storm was a
nighttime decrease in foF2 that can be seen at about 16 UT on both 29 and 30
3. Storm of 20 November
This storm occurred with a SC at 02 UT on 20
November. The initial phase was from 02 UT to
Figure 5. Dst index, H-component variations, foF2 and h’F for the
November, 2003 storm along with respective monthly mean values.
Fig. 5 shows the Dst variations along with the
H-component, foF2 and h’F observed during 19-21 November. During
The h’F showed a large uplifting (h’F went from 350
km at 20 UT to 860 km at
The main conclusions drawn from our study are as
1. The foF2 values are enhanced during daytime
(mostly) of magnetic storm periods.
2. During post-midnight periods, the base F region
height (h’F) variations show a occasional rapid and large uplifting during the
maximum depression of the Earth’s magnetic horizontal component H. The
uplifting corresponds to a simultaneous decrease in foF2.
3. While on most of the quiet nights, close to
midnight or post-midnight periods observed spread F formating from west and
drifting eastward, during the magnetic storm periods only two disturbed nights
was observed spread F.
A comparison with the previous results is directed
to observations at stations located around magnetic equator. According Adeniyi
[1], the magnetic storm effect on the F2-layer at
In one another paper (2004) we studied effects of the storms in October 2003
observed in Palmas (PAL) and São José dos Campos (SJC), Brazil (Brazilian
sector), and Hồ Chí Minh City (HCMC), Việt Nam and Okinawa (OKI), Japan (East
Asian sector). The two sectors are separated by about 11 hours in local time
(if one sector is in daytime, the other one is in nighttime and vice versa). It
appears that the response of the F-region during the geomagnetic storms was
very different in the equatorial and low latitude regions in the two
longitudinal sectors. In the East-Asian sector the prominent feature observed
was the presence of wave-like disturbances at HCM and OKI in both F-region
heights and peak electron densities. This feature appeared soon after the SSC
on 29 October at
The most obvious features are the increase in foF2
during daytime and the large increase in h’F in early morning hours. The
occurrence of this increase in h’F is coincident with a fall in foF2. The
diurnal variation of the Earth’s magnetic field is known to indicate variation
of the E-region current in the equatorial region, and hence show the presence
of significant electric fields. Changes in the equatorial ionospheric electric
field should normally play a major role in storm effects on electron density of
the F-region since even the normal E × B force has a great influence on quiet
day variation of the F-layer as shown by the
A major effect that is seen for all 3 storms is the
notable increase of h’F just before dawn. During night time h’F is normally
falling due to a westward electric field. There could be due to an effect of the
ring current in the post-midnight period that may create momentarily an
eastward polarization electric field and greatly raise the height of the layer
for a short period just pre-dawn. From the present results it follows that the
pre-dawn rise in h’F is an indication of changing of electric field direction
from westward to eastward. This effect in turn, provokes an upward E x B drift
and causes a loss of plasma from the equatorial region, by the equatorial
fountain effect, as indicated by associated decrease in the foF2 values.
In the
recent past, studies related to magnetosphere – ionosphere interactions during
geomagnetic storms at equatorial latitudes, which are extreme forms of space
weather have been the subject of both observational and modeling investigations.
It is felt that more simultaneous studies using ionospheric sounding
observations from several longitudinal zones will be important for space
weather studies.
Acknowledgements: This work is supported
by the Basic Research Program through Project of code
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