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Working groups to discuss on ASEAN mineral fund

Working groups to discuss on ASEAN mineral fund

Thursday, September 27, 2012

THE Ninth Working Group of ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Minerals (ASOMM) held fruitful discussions among the delegates yesterday. 

During the welcoming dinner after the first day of deliberations, some of the ASEAN delegates spoke to The Brunei Times about a few discussion points that took place throughout the morning and afternoon. 

"One of the things we still need to discuss more is an ASEAN minerals fund which will help the activity of the ASEAN Minerals Cooperation Action Plan," said Tran Hong Hai, director-general of the Centre for Information and Archives of Geology, Vietnam.

He noted that after much discussion he believed progress has been made in various areas. He was the chair during the meeting of the Trade and Investment Working Group. 

He said that the minerals fund and action plans hope to cover common activities shared among ASEAN partners. 


(Top) Leo, a Philippine
 delegate for the 9th ASEAN
Working Group meeting for
ASOMM and regional director
for Mines and Geoscience
Bureau, Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources. (Above) Hong Hai, Vietnamese delegate and director-general of the Centre
for Information and Archives of Geology, Vietnam.

Pictures: BT/Jin-Shen

He also noted that Brunei had contributed much to the discussion, and thanked them for being good hosts. 

Leo Van V Juguan, regional director for the Mines and Geosciences Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, of the Philippines, who chaired the meeting of the Sustainable Mineral Development working group, said that they discussed plans in which ASEAN countries is coming up with programmes on how their minerals can be used effectively. 

"Minerals are finite (resources)," he said in an interview. 

"It is not renewable, so studies have been proposed and undertaken to fully use what we have," he said. "This also includes going into efficient recovery of even low grade minerals."

He also thanked Brunei, as the host country, and also noted that they had actively participated in the discussions today and helped along with the proceedings.

The meeting continues and concludes today, with a resolution statement issued after meetings between the last two working groups: Information and Database and Capacity Building and Mineral.

The Brunei Times

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