6, Nguyen Hong, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel. 84-4-383517 89 Fax: 84-4-3835 17 89
The Center for Information and Archives of Geology of which the precursors were the Institute for Museum and Archieves of Geology established in 1978; the Institute for Information and Documentation of Geology (IIDG, 1985-1988); the Institute for Infor-mation and Documentation of Mine and Geology (IIDMG, 1988-1990); the Institute for Information and Documentation of Geology (IIDG, 1991-1997); the Institute for Information, Archives and Museum of Geology (IIAMG, 1997-2002), the Center for Information and Archives of Geology (CIAG, from 09-01-2003) is a state scientific and technical executive Unit in the fields:
- Information and Documentation in Geology and Minerals
- Computer applications in Geology and Minerals
- Publication in Geology and Minerals
The CIAG is currently belonging to the Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam, Ministry of Natural Resources & Environtment.
I. Functions
The Center has following functions:
1. To undertake the collection, processing, interpretation and dissemination of Geological Information and Documentation arising from all geological and mining activities.
2. To undertake research and experiment in the fields of Geodata Processing.
3. To build up the Geodata systems in order for storage and retrieval of Data in Geology & Minerals
4. To publish the Geological Maps, journals and orther publications in geology.
5. To organize education and training in order to build up the skilled work-forces needed in the geoscience Information and Geo-informatic.
6. To organize and participate the scientific Exchange Activities in the country, the neighbour countries and the world.
7. To carry out the consulting and services concerning geology and mineral activities
8. To promote public awareness of Geo-Resources
II. Organization

III- Activities
1.Geological Archives
•Reception; • Registration; • Cataloging
•Abstracting;•Indexing;•Analyzing;•Reproduction; •Dissemination;•Geo-Data Base Systems; •Preservation; •Provide statistics
2. Geo-Information & Technology Section
•WEB page development; •IT System maintenance; •System Design; •Programming Development; •Data Processing; •Computing Services; •Research and Training
3. Geo-Library
•Acquisitions; •Selection; •Clasification; •Cataloging; •Conservation; •Utilization; • Services
4. Publishing Section
•Geological Maps;•Journals of Geology published in 6 issues a year in Vietnamese and 2 issues a year in English; •Geological Annual Reports; •Monographs on Earth Sciences and other publications
IV. Sources of Data
•Geological reports in Geo-Archives; •Books and journals on Earth Sciences in Geo-Library; •Data from the Geological Divisions of DGMV; •Exchanges and cooperations
V. Data Base
1. Geo-Documentation System
•Geological abstracts; •Geological publication; • Bibliography of Geology; • Geological Reports Directory;E- Geological Reports;
2. Geo-factual System
•Mineral deposits; •Groundwater; •Rocks; • Mineral Reserves;
3. Geological Map System
•Geological Maps;•Hydrogeological Maps;•Mineral Resources Maps;• Bibliography files; •Thematic Maps
VI. Services
- Geological and Mineral Resources Data Providing
- Geological & Mineral Resources Data Compilation
- Geological Data Processing
- IT Application Development: Databases, GIS
- Investment report, Feasibility Study, Design and carry out the projects concerning geological survey, mineral resources evaluation and exploration
VII. International Cooperation
The CIAG has good relationships and cooperation activities with the Internationl & Regional Organizations as well as with the Geological & minerals Surveys of some countries in the field of Geological information & Documentation and Data processing: Geoinform, COGEODOC, CIFEG, CCOP, UNDP, UNESCAP, BRGM, Geological Surveys of France, USA, Australia, UK, Japan, Korea, Laos, Campuchia, Thailand, China, Canada, Nertherland, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Belgiques ...
For further information on capabilities, services and products of the CIAG, please connect to
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