Khúc, Đặng Trần Huyên, Nguyễn Đức Phong, Đào Thanh Hương -
On the detailed
subdivision of Upper Triassic coal-bearing sediments in West Bắc Bộ
Xuân Nam, Hạ Văn Hải, Nguyễn Đại Trung - Geomorphic features of
the Thuận Châu area, Sơn La Province and flash flood geohazard |
Nguyễn Văn Canh,
Nguyễn Thanh, Trần Thanh Nhàn - Effect
of the tropical monsoon climate on karstic activity in the Cam Lộ
District, Quảng Trị Province
Nguyễn Văn Canh, Đỗ
Quang Thiên - Predictive potential
danger zoning of karstic subsidence in the Cam Lộ District, Quảng Trị
Province and proposals of appropriate managing and preventing solutions
Đặng Mỹ Cung,
Nguyễn Linh Ngọc, Trịnh Xuân Hòa, Nguyễn Văn Tuấn - Origin
and geodynamic environment of turbidite
formation in Quảng Ninh area, East Bắc Bộ |
Lê Thị
Thu Hương and Wolfgang Hofmeister -
Discrimination of
emerald origins by chemical components |
Quách Đức Tín, Hoàng Thị Hà, Bùi Hữu Việt, Nguyễn Trường
Giang, Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc - The environmental
geochemistry of lead and its pollution risks in the former Hà Tây
Province |
Đoàn Thị Ngọc Huyền,
Phạm Văn Thanh, Quách Đức Tín. - The existence and
mobility of dioxin in soil, weathering crust and sediments in the Bù Gia
Mập area, Bình Phước Province |
Trần Tuấn Anh, Trần Trọng Hòa, Phạm Thị Dung, Phạm Ngọc
Cẩn, Nguyễn Trung Chí - Distribution
characteristics of accompanying elements in lead-zinc ores of the Chợ
Đồn Mine |
Nguyễn Xuân Ân,
Nguyễn Phương, Doãn Huy Cẩm, Nguyễn Tiến Phương, Mai Thành Trung -
Distribution characteristics and quality of white marble inYên Bái Province and some
measures for enhancing their use efficiency |
Lê Thị Thu Hương
and Nguyễn Trung Chí - On some
controversially-discussed Raman and IR bands of beryl |
Ngô Thị Lư, Lê Văn
Dũng, Nguyễn Hữu Tuyên -
Seismicity of territory
Việt Nam and adjacent regions during the period 1937-2008 (M³3.5) |
Ngô Thị Lư, Nguyễn Anh
Quân, Trần Việt Phương, Vũ Thị Hoãn - Establishing a computer
program for earthquake prediction on the Vietnamese territory and
adjacent regions by zoning of earth’s crust types |
Quang Quý, La Thế Phúc - Trinh Nữ
Waterfall geological heritage, Đắk Nông Province |