the prospect of construction materials on the sea floor of Vietnamese sea
(0-100 m of bathymetry) and orientation of sustainable exploitation
Vũ Trường Sơn, Hoàng Anh Khiển,
Trịnh Nguyên Tính,
Đỗ Tử Chung, Lê Anh Thắng, Văn Đức Nam
the demand for construction materials is rapidly growing to
serve economic development, especially the demand of
filling sand for coastal construction (such
as industrial areas, ports, sea dikes. ..). Grasping the situation, from 1991 to present, the Marine Geology and
Mineral Centre has been ivestigating and evaluating the prospect of
marine aggregate in the Việt Nam sea (0-100
m of bathymetry). Results of project carried out by MGMC indicate that
Việt Nam sea has prospect of marine aggregate
(sand, gravel…), especially filling sand. Nowaday, Vietnamese aggregate is exploited mostly from river with
limited reserve and has caused bad consequence, especially river bank
erosion and
environmental pollution. In next time, mainland aggregate is not
enough to serve economic development needs. So, the Government would like to
have suitable strategy and policy to exploit effectively this resource to develop
sustainably the marine economy.
Người biên tập: TSKH. Nguyễn