Pesticide contaminating public health in the Hương Sơn District, Hà Tĩnh Province

Đoàn Thị Ngọc Huyền, Nguyễn Văn Luyện, Quách Đức Tín

During the 80 of the last century, in Việt Nam in general and in Hương Sơn District area in particular, a series of storehouses for reserving pesticides including mainly DDT and 666, were built. The results on sampling, investigating and analyzing the soil, mud and water samples at these places have been showing that the concentration of DDT in mud and soil varies in large range, from 0.03 to 71.38 mg/kg, in average 4.99 mg/kg, which is many times higher than permitted values. The highest value was found in mud sample No. 2501 taken from a pond in Phố Châu Townlet with the total DDT of 71.38 mg/kg, about 7000 times higher than permitted values; the minimum concentration of DDT in water sample is 0.0039 mg/l, maximum is 0.0277 mg/l, in average 0.0135 mg/l. The concentration of DDT in surface water sample No. 1501, collected from the pond in Phố Châu, which coincides with the sample No. 2051, is 3 times higher than permitted values.

Người biên tập:  Nguyễn Hồng Quang.