Characteristics of iron ores in the lateritic weathering crust in Chư Sê area,
Gia Lai Province and the possibility of its use in pig-iron and steel industry

                                Nguyễn Tiến Dũng, Nguyễn Kim Long, Nguyễn Thị Thanh Thảo

Chu Sê, Gia Lai Province, is one of the areas in our country that has the potential of secondary iron ores which were formed by the weathering of basalts and are located in the lateritic weathering crust. However, there are not enough studies and assessment of the quality and exploration possibility and the use of these iron ores. Based on the results of our studies and references, the article discusses about the geological characteristics, quality and potential of iron ores in the lateritic weathering crust in Chu Sê and technological procedures allowing us to improve of the iron ore quality in pig-iron and steel industry. The results of study form the initial basis for the investigation, exploration, exploitation and the processing technology of the iron ores which is one of the minerals of high potential in Việt Nam.

Người biên tập: Nguyễn Văn Lâm.