The Bảo Đài - Yên Tử
coal band, a high mineral potential
Hà Minh Thọ, Đào Như Chức, Nguyễn Phương
The mineral exploration has been highly
investigated for years by the Coal branch, but it has been only limited in the
Phả Lại - Hòn Gai - Kế Bào coal band from depth of -300 m to the surface.
Geological data about deep-seated coal seams in the
By combining results of geological and geophysical works of previous
phases with mining data from parts of outcropped coal and data from boreholes
at the centre of the Bảo Đài - Yên Tử coal band, the general structure of this
area is proven to be a synclinorium with a high potential in coal. Due to the
limitations of research, no research has been completely and fully investigating
the structural features and potential of coal resources (especially from the ±0
m level). Therefore, following works are needed to be done: clarify the
geological structure, spatial distribution of coal based on the correlation of
coal seams in the Bảo Đài - Yên Tử coal band; forecast mineral resources and
prospect zoning in order to form the basis for planning the mineral exploration
and exploitation in the Bảo Đài - Yên Tử coal band. These are not only
meaningful for scientific purposes, but also for practical needs of coal
industry in short and long terms.
Người biên tập: Nguyễn Văn Lâm.