Some new results of investigation on titanium in the East Bắc Bộ region

Phạm Thế Nhữ

The East Bắc Bộ region is the only area on the Vietnamese mainland having the potential of titanium primary ores and placer, with the distribution quite concentrated and near large industrial and economic centres, having favourable infrastructure, transport and mining conditions. Titanium ores in this region is closely related to gabbroid massifs of the Núi Chúa Complex, distributed in the Thái Nguyên, Tuyên Quang and Bắc Cạn Provinces. Based on results of realization of the Project “Survey and evaluation of titanium ore prospect in the Núi Chúa Mt area situated in the Đại Từ and Phú Lương Districts, Thái Nguyên Province” and the survey results in the process of establishing the Project “Survey and evaluation of titanium ore prospect in the Đồng Danh area, Tuyên Quang Province and Khau Quế area, Bắc Cạn Province” and study results of previous works, an overview on the prospect and potential of the titanium ores distributed in the mainland of East Bắc Bộ region may be recognized.


Người biên tập:  Trần Đình Sâm.