Features of lead-zinc mineralization in the Bản Vai - Bản Bó area,  
Bảo Lâm District, Cao Bằng Province

Hoàng Quang Chỉ, Trần Văn Bạn, Nguyễn Văn Nguyên,
 Nguyễn Khắc Hiền, Đồng Văn Giáp, Bùi Viết Sáng

Area of mineralization is located in the Khao Lộc Subzone of the Sông Lô Zone, belonging to the East Bắc Bộ folding region [1]. They are composed of terrigenous sediments intercalated with metamorphosed carbonate. During the process of geological mapping and mineral survey, geologists of the Intergeo Division have discovered many ore-bearing areas: Bản Vai, Bản Ran, Bản Bó, ... and lead-zinc ore bodies were assessed. Especially, a part of the Bản Bó ore body has been explored with the reserves reaching up to over 200 thousand tons of lead-zinc ore. The mineral composition of ores consists mainly of pyrite, sphalerite, galenite, marcasite, pyrrhotine, chalcopyrite, baryte, quartz, dolomite; secondary minerals: smithsonite, calamine, anglesite, cerussite, limonite and goethite.

The Bản Vai - Bản Ran - Bản Bó lead-zinc mineralization is of hydrothemal genesis of from lower to medium temperature.


Người biên tập:  Trần Đình Sâm