Some new research results on Upper Paleozoic in North Bắc Bộ
Nhật Trưởng
The article presents some new research
results on the Upper Paleozoic in North Bắc Bộ received from special studies
carried out by the Việt Nam Institute of Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources
in recent years. The results indicate that the lower boundary of the Bắc Sơn
Formation is unconformable one, including two types corresponding to two
main facial types developed in the Late Devonian
- Early Carboniferous stage. The age of the Bắc Sơn Formation is Early
Carboniferous Visean - Late Permian Wuchiapingian. The Đồng Đăng Formation is
Late Permian Changhsingian in age with two types of sections, one of them
characterizes for the An Châu structural zone and the other for the Sông Hiến
one. The article touches upon also the position of the Đồng Đăng bauxite bed,
the boundary between the Đồng Đăng and Triassic formations and the preliminary
P/T boundary.
Người biên tập :
TS. Nguyễn Linh Ngọc