Hà Nội University of Mining and Geology, Đông Ngạc, Từ Liêm, Hà Nội

Abstract: A research on arsenic distribution in groundwater with the aim to minimise its negative effects on public health is very necessary. Nam Định is a place where arsenic content in groundwater is rather high and distributed largely. Among the aquifers, Pleistocene one (qp) plays an important part in the water supply. However, this aquifer in Nam Định has rather high arsenic content. Many analyzed samples taken in Nam Định wells show that arsenic content in this aquifer exceeds many times the accepted standards. Studying the distribution and locating the areas with high arsenic content not only contribute actively to the research, but also have a real meaning to water use of the public. The study result on arsenic in Nam Định will help the water management and the suitable water use.


Nam Định is a province lying on the Red River Delta. In the northwest, it is bounded by Hà Nam and in the east – by Thái B́nh, in the west – by Ninh B́nh and in the south it adjoins the East Sea. The area of the whole Nam Định province is 1,636 km2, its population is 2.5 million people, among which 12.4% are urban dwellers and 87.6 % live in the countryside.

Land in Nam Định is relatively even and flat and has the direction of sloping towards the sea. Its height ranges from 0 to 6 m.

Climate in Nam Định is the same as that in the Red River Delta. There are two seasons in a year: rainy and dry ones. The rainy season lasts from May to October. The average rainfall in a year is 1824.2 mm. The greatest rainfall (in the year 1990) is 2067.8 mm. The largest rainfall usually occurs in October (323-487 mm) and the smallest rainfall, in December (2.3-19.7 mm). The dry season lasts from November to April of the next year. The rainfall in dry season is very small, reaching only 10-15% of the total annual rainfall.


The stream network in this area is rather dense. The more it extends to the sea, the more it is denser. Among the rivers, there are Red, Đáy, Đào, and Ninh Cơ ones. In the rainy season, the water level in rivers is high, and the water flow is strong. On the contrary, in the dry season, the water level in rivers is low, the water flow is gentle. Besides, the water level in rivers depends on tide.

The unique features of river in this area are that, the flow is bendy and winding clearly. It proves that the speed of flow is slow and the slope of river-bed is gentle and the rivers are rather long. The mentioned above rivers pour a huge water amount into the sea every year. The average water output of the Red River is 3,800 m3/per day for many years, the largest output is 37,800 m3/per day and smallest – 440 m3/per day. Toward the lower river section (toward the sea), the mineralization of water is higher and higher. The water changes from the form of bicarbonate to the form of chloride. The Kurlov formula of water of the Red River is as follows:

In Nam Định:

(Calcium-magnesium bicarbonate)

In Tân Đệ ferry-boat:

(Sodium-calcium-magnesium chloride)

According to monitored data, tidal regulations in Nam Định are daily. The strongest period of tide occurs annually from September to December. The results of monitoring water level of the sea in Văn Lư Station are shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Specific characteristics of tidal water level in the Văn Lư Monitoring Station





















































h: Water level of tide/month (cm), hmax:  Highest water level of tide (cm)

hmin: Lowest water level of tide (cm), (-):  Water level of tide under zero (cm).


Population in the area mainly belongs to Kinh people. Population density is about 800-1000 people/km2. Rice culture is the main way of living in Nam Định, besides the handicraft is rather developed. In recent years, some traditional jobs, such as: decorative plant culture, weaving carpets, arts and crafts, etc. are being restored and these traditional products are well accepted by inside and foreign markets.

Traffic here is very easy. Roads are dense with a network of interprovincial roads, interdistrict roads and intercommunal roads, etc.. Interprovincial roads consist of Highways 10, 21, 55 linking Nam Định and Thai B́nh, Ninh B́nh and Phủ Lư. Interdistrict roads and intercommunal roads at present have been improved and upgraded. In addition, there are also railways, seaway and in the future they will play an important part in connecting sea area in Nam Định with nearby areas and abroad.


In Nam Định, aquifers and aquitards lie in the following direction (in descending order):

- Marine-lacustrine porous mixed sediment aquifer of Holocene age (qh);

- Marine aquitard sediments of Pleistocene age of Vĩnh Phúc Formation (qp3);

- Porous sediment aquifer of Pleistocene age of Hà Nội Middle-Upper Subformations (qp2-3);

- Porous, porous-bedding sediment aquifer of Miocene - Early Pleistocene age (qp-m2);

The main characteristics of each hydrogeological unit distributed in the study area are described as follows (in descending order):

1. Marine-lacustrine porous mixed sediment aquifer of Holocene age of Thái B́nh Formation (qh)

The Holocene aquifer consists of water-bearing beds of the Thái B́nh and Hải Hưng formations. The Thái B́nh Formation is distributed largely in the Hải Hậu, Nghĩa Hưng, Giao Thủy, Xuân Trường and Nam Trực districts, Nam Định Province. It is composed mainly of loams and sand lenses, in some places with clay layers and multioriginal loam. Groundwater usually exists in these sand lenses and loam. The thickness of sand lenses is often from 8 to 10 m, in some places up to 12-15 m.  Results obtained from tests in some drill holes show that: water level h = 1-3 m,  flow rate q = 0.01-0.5 l/ms, hydraulic conductivity K = 0.2-1.3 m/day.

The chemical composition and total mineralization (TDS) change irregularly, depending on soil features, formation features of water-bearing sand lenses. The water basically is in the form of sodium chloride.  

Main source supplying water for this aquifer is rain water and surface water. In some districts, such as Xuân Trường, Giao Thủy, Hải Hậu and Nghĩa Hưng, there exists fresh-water lens of small thickness in coastal dunes. The source of fresh-water in these lenses is rainy water. However, in many places, such as Xuân Trường and Giao Thủy, this aquifer is invaded by sea-water during the tide rise and the whole area of this aquifer is semi-salted and as the result, the water is not usable.

The Hải Hưng Formation is distributed largely in the areas and is covered by younger sediments of the Thái B́nh Formation. Sediments of different origins comprise blue-grey clay, silty sand, … The water-bearing sand layer has relatively stable depth, usually ranging from 12-15 to 22-25 m.

The total water mineralization of this formation changes irregularly and it exists fresh-water lens (TDS M <1 g/l). Chemical composition of water is bicarbonate, bicarbonate-chloride changing gradually into chloride-bicarbonate.

In general, the water quantity in this formation is not great and the quality is not good, so the water here is only used for supplying to households in the river side.

2. Marine aquitard sediments of Pleistocene age of Vĩnh Phúc Formation (qp3)

Sediments of the Vĩnh Phúc Formation are largely distributed in the area and are covered by the Hải Hưng and Thái B́nh Formations. They are mainly composed of clay, silty clay mixed with lateritic gravel. Their thickness changes from 20 to 25 m. The study results show that average hydraulic conductivity K = 0.05 m/day, maximum Kmax = 0.07 m/day.

3. Porous sediment aquifer of Pleistocene age of Hà Nội Middle-Upper Subformations (qp2-3)

Sediments of Pleistocene age of the Hà Nội Formation are largely distributed in the Red River Delta and are seperated from aquifer of Hải Hưng Formation by the water registering clay layer of the Vĩnh Phúc Formation. They are mainly composed of quartz gravel, cobble, and in some places, stones and gravel mixed with silty sand and silty clay.

Based on drilling data, it can be seen that the depth of aquifers is relatively stable and regular.

If looking at the S-N cross section, or from the sea to the mainland, in the north of the study area (south of Vụ Bản District), the aquifer lies in the shadowest direction, 30-35 m in the depth. In the centre of Hải Hậu District, the aquifer lies in the depth of 80-90 m, in some places up to hundreds metres or more. Toward the seaside, the aquifer lies in the depth of 60-70 m. The depth of aquifer changes regularly. In the northwest of the area (south of Ư Yên and Vụ Bản Districts), the depth of aquifer is smallest (5-10 m). The more the aquifer stretches to the sea, the thicker it is. In some places, its thickness is 30-50 m. Its average thickness is 28.4 m.

Results obtained from the borehole 109 show that: in Trực Phú commune, Trực Ninh District, the water level h = 0.25 - 2.5 m,  flow rate unit q = 1.5 - 8.89 l/ms, coefficient of transmissibility T = 500 - 1000 m2/day.

Results from analyzed water samples in the wells show that the total mineralization changes from 0.3 to 3 g/l. The chemical composition of water is sodium-magnesium bicarbonate or sodium chloride.

In the study areas, a fresh-water lens with large distribution has been found. It belongs to the Hải Hậu, Nghĩa Hưng, Trực Ninh and south part of Nam Trực districts. It will be discussed more in details in the following part.

There are not data that show the hydraulic relationship between surface water (Red River, Đáy River and Ninh Cơ River) with groundwater of the Hà Nội Formation.

4. Porous, porous-bedding sediment aquifer of Miocene - Early Pleistocene age (m2-qp)

This aquifer is composed of sediments of Thái Thụy Formation and Neogene sediments. They are distributed in the lowest part of hydrogeological cross section in the study area. This aquifer is not exposed on the surface, but is covered by Quaternary sediments. It is distributed in the northeast of the faults F4, F6. In the southwest, it comes into contact with the Đồng Giao Formation (T2a đg) through the Fault F6, in the west, with the Sông Hồng Group (PP sh) through the Faults F8 - F3 - F4.

These sediments are mainly composed of sand, gravel interbedded with sandstone. The pressure of this aquifer is strong. The analytic results show that: capacity Q = 1-12 l/s,  flow rate unit q = 2-6 l/s, pressure coefficient of transmissibility T = 16-438 m2/day. The chemical composition of water changes irregularly depending on the depth. In the depth of 250 m in Nghĩa Hưng District, the water is fresh, but with the same depth in other districts, it is salted.


The total quantity of water consumed in Nam Định is about 71,500 m3/day. There are two types of groundwater exploitation: large and small.

1. Large exploitation: This form of water exploitation consists of exploited groundwater in wells with huge capacity in different places. Capacity is from hundreds to thousands of m3/day. In Nam Định, some districts use this way of exploitation, such as Hải Hậu, Nghĩa Hưng, and Ư Yên.

2. Small exploitation: This form consists of exploiting from drilled and digged wells in households. It is very popular in rural areas of the country. In Nam Định, small drilled wells lie in Pleistocene formations. Some districts use this way of exploitation, such as: Hải Hậu, Nghĩa Hưng, Ư Yên and other places; the water is salted.

In districts and communes of Nam Định Province, there are only two towns (Cổ Lễ and Ngô Đồng) and three district centres (Nam Trực, Mỹ Thịnh, and Xuân Trường) setting up a network of water supply. However, there are few households using this water supply system.

Besides, in communes there are other water supply forms as follows:

- A network of water supply in commutation: capacity of 600-1,800 m3/day. The water is groundwater or surface water and then it is treated by filtering and decontaminating, and then pumping to houses.

- A network of water supply from drilled wells. This network helps to upgrade the effectiveness of UNICEF drilled wells and to limit the number of drilled wells unused and to restrict groundwater pollution. Centre of living water and rural environment has set up a network of water supply in places, such as Đoài Village, Yên Bảng Commune; Hải Thịnh commune, Hải Hậu District; hospital in Mỹ Lộc District.

This network of water supply was set up since 1984. According to surveyed data up to now there are 76,238 drilled wells with the depth of from 15-25 to 90-130 m in the whole province. State of supplying water in the country is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Number of drilled wells in Nam Định Province


Nghĩa Hưng

Hải Hậu

Giao Thuỷ

Xuân Trường

Nam Trực

Trực Ninh

Wells number









In order to evaluate the state of arsenic pollution of groundwater in Nam Định, we have been summarizing the results from survey and sample analysis in all communes. Samples are taken from wells which are being exploited from qp aquifer (in qh aquifer, the water is salted, so it is not usable).

A total of 17,320 samples are taken and analyzed, among them, 25% are analyzed by the standard modern method and the rest – by test KID method, which is not as exact as in-house analysis, but popular in survey in and outside the country. Samples analyzed exceeding the value of 0.05 mg/l are presented in Table 3.

The results from analyzing As in Nam Định show that As content here is rather high. The investigation in 151 communes of Nam Định are displayed in Table 3. Among 17,320 analyzed samples, 11,249 with As content of less than 0.01 mg/l; 4,802 samples of from 0.01 to 0.02 mg/l; 286 samples of from 0.025 to 0.05 mg/l; 983 samples of over 0.05 mg/l; the total number of samples with As content of over 0.01 mg/l is 6,071, occupying 35.1%. This ratio is very high.

Table 3. Number of groundwater samples with content of over 0.05 mg/l in districts



Groundwater samples  >=0.05mg/l


Giao Thủy



Mỹ Lộc



Nam Định



Nam Trực



Nghĩa Hưng



Trực Ninh



Vụ Bản



Xuân Trường



Ư Yên



Hải Hậu





The map of As distribution in Nam Định shows that the violet colour (As >0,05 mg/l) covers a large area from Nam Định City to Nam Trực, Trực Ninh, Vụ Bản. In Trực Ninh, there are 214 samples having As content of over 0.05 mg/l which exceeds 15 times the accepted standard. In these places, water needs As treatment before living use.

Figure 1. Diagram of As location in groundwater in Nam Định.

Figure 2. Scheme of locations of As samples from groundwater in Nam Định


The orange colour (As: 0.025-0.05 mg/l) appears in a map in a spotted form and appears in all surveyed districts.

The yellow colour (As: 0.01-0.025 mg/l) appears largely in the map and largest stretching from Trực Ninh to Nghĩa Hưng. Besides, it appears in spotted form in many places.

The blue colour (As <0,01 mg/l) shows places are safe for As. This colour appears in the spotted alternate form, but occurs largely in south Hải Hậu (Fig. 2).

It can say that groundwater in Nam Định has high As content. When using groundwater, it is necessary to treat it to ensure the quality for living water and good health.

Table 4. As content in grounwater in Nam Định

Samples No.

Samples under 0.01 mg/l

Samples from 0.01 to 0.025 mg/l

Samples from 0.025 to 0.05 mg/l

Samples from 0.05 mg/l above






The study on As origin shows that As lies in clay-mud sediments containing organic matter. When the water chemistry changes, As moves from sediments into water under a complex mechanism.


1. Among aquifers in Nam Định Province, the Pleistocene Aquifer plays an important role in water supply, but it is polluted by As. When exploiting for use, it is necessary to treat water.

2. Porous aquifer, porous-bedding sediments of Late Miocene - Early Pleistocene age (m2-qp1) has not been carefully studied so they have not been having an evaluation on As pollution.

3. Origin and movement of As in groundwater in Nam Định have not been carefully studied, so they need to be continued to be studied in the coming time, aiming to supply with safe water to local people.


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