Tsunami Hazard Maps on the Coastline of Việt Nam

Trần Thị Mỹ Thành, William Power, Mark W. Sterling    , Nguyễn Lê Minh, Nguyễn Ảnh Dương, Nguyễn Văn Dương, Warwick Smith, Bùi Công Quế

A tsunami is a natural disaster that occurs infrequently but is particularly devastating. It is often generated by earthquakes causing sudden lifting or lowering the seabed, or volcanic eruptions, landslides in the coastal ocean and some other causes such as meteorite impact... In the framework of this paper we study tsunamis caused by strong earthquakes that are capable of affecting the coastal areas of Việt Nam. This paper presents the preliminary tsunami hazard maps in Việt Nam (scale!: 1.000.000). The tsunami hazard maps represent the maximum tsunami wave heights at the coastline with the different time period base on the calculation of the propagation of tsunami cause by tsunami earthquakes occur in subduction zone Manila. Tsunami hazard maps are built according to the theory that Cornel (1968) developed similar to the seismic hazard maps with three steps: 1) Define the parameters of the tsunami sources; 2) Tsunami propagation modeling; 3) Hazard mapping methodology. Findings dangerous tsunamis help us building early warning systems to minimize tsunami disaster damage. This is also a valuable source of information to serve the economic development planning tourism on coastal areas of Việt Nam.

Người biên tập: PGS. TS Cao Đ́nh Triều.