Characteristics of neotectonic
and active tectonic faults at Quảng Nam coastal
zone and effects to accumulation of Quaternary sediments
Hoàng Ngô Tự Do, Trần
Thanh Hải,
Đặng Văn Bát
The neotectonic and active
tectonic faults at Quảng Nam coastal zone
are known with four main systems, as follow: The older system trends Northwest
- Southeast direction, those trends Northeast - Southwest are younger. Sublongitude faults are of small size and appear to be the
branches of the larger systems. Many faults are reactivated during recent
regional deformations and some are still active, which strongly affect the
modem morphology of the area. The occurrence of numerous fault systems and
their cross-cutting relationship have led to dismemberment of the basement into
blocks and created local uplift and subsidence blocks. A number of subsided
blocks of differing rates has been identified
including areas of high subsidence rate (from 100 to 135 m), intermediate (from
50 to 100 m) and weak (from 20 to 50 m). In addition, some uplifted areas have
also identified. At least 2 uplifted and 5 subsided blocks are remained active.
The formation of local uplifted and subsid zones
caused by neotectonic and recent tecronic
movements have greatly controled the formation of the
coastal basin and deposition of Quaternary sediments as well as their spatial
distribution and thickness.
Người biên tập: TS. Nguyễn Tiến Hải.