tectono- metallogenic model to explain the Cenozoic high-K alkaline
and metallogenesis in the Habo - Ô Quư Hồ (HOQ) Cu-Mo-Au mineralization
belt, southeastern Ailao Shan - Red River Shear Zone
Trần Mỹ Dũng
The Cenozoic
magmatism in the Habo - Ô Quư Hồ (HOQ) Belt, southeastem part of the
Ailao Shan - Red River Shear Zone, formed high-K alkaline magmatic rocks and a
typical epithermal-porphyric Cu-Mo-Au mineralization system. The magmatic rock
are characterized by enrichment of incompatible elements (Rb, Sr, Ba, K),
depleted in high field strength
elements (Nb,
Ta, Ti and P), low initial l43Nd/l44Nd values of
0.512336- 0.512450 and moderate (87Sr/86Sr)i values of
0.706585-0.707521. The high-K alkaline magatism and Cu-Mo-Au mineralization formation took placed at about 42-32
million years ago, coeval with those in the eastem part of Tibet region. This
indicated that the magmatism and Cu-Mo-Au mineralization formation in the HOQ Belt occurred
prior to the onset of the left-lateral movement along the Ailao Shan-Red River
Shear Zone. The magmatic rocks with geochemical and Rb-Sr isotopic
characteristics above were perhaps generated from enriched mantle source region
(EMI) or affected by subducted Paleotethys plate - derived fluids
Người biên tập:
GS. TS Trần Văn Trị.