Prominent results in 1: 50,000 scale geological and mineral resources mapping of the mainland part in period 2000 - 2012

            Nguyễn Thành Vạn, Nguyễn Xuân Bao, Dương Văn Cầu, Trần Văn Miến, Nguyễn Bá Minh, Nguyễn Đ́nh Viên,
Phạm Huy Thông, Vũ Quang Lân,
Thái Quang, Mai Kim Vinh, Bùi Thế Vinh, Đào Ngọc Đ́nh, Vũ Trọng Tấn

For the past over ten years (2000-2012) many new discoveries in geology and mineral resources have been actually recorded and have been assembled by 1: 50,000 scale geological and mineral resource mapping units to compile geological and mineral resources maps with contents and formats which reflect ever more clearly, truthfully and scientifically the structures of the earth crust in the mainland part of Vietnam. Many documents from these studies have been published in the country and abroad, thus contributing to enhance the position of the geological sector of Vietnam in the world.  This paper summarizes and generalized some prominent results achieved by geological and mineral resource mapping units, presented in the reports stored in the Geological Archives or published in the past period.

Người biên tập: GS.TS Trần Văn Trị.