model of sandstone-type uranium deposits in
Nguyễn Trường Giang, Nguyễn
Đắc Sơn, Nguyễn Đăng Thành, Trịnh
Đ́nh Huấn,
Lê Quyết Tâm, Trần Lê Châu, Hoàng Văn Dũng, Đinh Thái Sơn, Nguyễn Phương
On the basis of introducing the sandstone-type uranium deposits in the
world, the authors focus on some results
of their research on geological settings and mineralization type of
sandstone-hosted uranium ores in Nông Sơn Basin, where the occurrence of
uramium ores distributed in the sandstones of Nông Sơn Formation (T3n-r
ns) have been discovered at various
locations. The results of study and actual comparison with the geological and
mineralogical criteria for sandstone-type
uranium deposits show that the sandstone-hosted uranium deposits in Nông Sơn
Basin are mainly of tabular type, where the uranium ore bodies are in the form
of thin beds (sheets) or trings of lenses distributed at the boundary between
the oxidized and reduced zones on the side of the reduced zone and the ore
bearing rocks are mainly fine to coarse grained arcosic sandstone of gray color,
very similar to the
Domisiat uranium deposit in India.
Người biên tập: TS. Trịnh Xuân Bền.