The problem of modeling layered and jointed rock masses and geohazards research

Nguyễn Quang Phích, Nguyễn Văn Mạnh,
Phạm Ngọc Anh, Lê Tuấn Anh, Bùi Văn Đức

Underground construction and mining practice showed that the presence of discontinuities (layer interfaces, joint systems) and especially their variation is one of the causes of serious geohazards (different forms of collapse due to changes in geological conditions). Investigation to choose the methods and tools for simulating the possibility of geological hazards in order to predict, analyze and prevent them is essential. This is also important for the management and settlement of queries between the investor (through supervision consultants) and construction units in underground construction. Two simulating examples using UDEC will show that it is possible to use UDEC to forecast, explain some phenomena and types of geological hazards occurring in practice.

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