Aeromagnetic comprensation in airborne
magnetic survey
Trung Thủy, Vũ Tuấn Hùng,
Nguyễn Tuấn Năm, Trương Công Ánh.
Aeromagnetic compensation
is necessary in airborne magnetic survey. Airborne geophysical survey companies in the world has focused on manufacturing
equipments, airborne
technique methods aiming to reduce
maximally the influence of secondary
field of the plane to measuring results. Now, sensitivity of the device measuring
airborne magnetic is
less than 0.01 nT. This
require corresponds with the development of magnetic
field compensation technology.
The development of GPS technology has made the method
more active in support tools. Today, measuring and recording equipments and equipments of the magnetic
field compensation, GPS
device and method of implementation techniques are widely used that reduces the influence of secondary field of the plane to measuring results which can be less than
1 nT. This has important implications for airborne magnetic survey with high-quality
and must be applied widely in prospecting of low magnetic minerals, oil and
gas. In Việt
Người biên tập: TS. Nguyễn Tuấn Phong.