Modified geological model for the Hải Sư Đen
fractured granite reservor, Cửu Long Basin
geological modelling for fractured granite reservoir
in the
The results have allowed us to subdivide the faults into three major systems and to define the geological boundaries between rock formations characterized by different reservoir capacities. The parallel, subparallel faulting systems and lithological boundaries consist of 33 fault lines, 6 boundaries and demonstrate the best reservoir capacity. The NE-SW (40-50o, 60-70o), NW-SE (300-340o) faults (78 faults) show the second reservoir capacity, while the 20-30o faults (8 lines) demonstrate the lowest reservoir capacity and are nearly non-reservoir objects
analysis and classification of the rock field within the Hải Sư
Basement was done based on
seismic data together with logging data. Three rock fields were defined and are
characterized by different reservoir capacities. Field 1 is the best reservoir
rock and is followed by field 2 while field 3 shows the lowest reservoir
Người biên tập: GS. TSKH Đặng Văn Bát.