Features of tectonic
deformation stages of the Sông Cả Fault Zone
Nguyễn Bá Minh, Nguyễn Văn
Vượng, Vũ Văn Tích
Located in the north of
Trường Sơn Belt, the Sông Cả Fault Zone is one of the
most complicated deformation zones in Việt Nam. The degree of deformation
folding is very strong while the metamorphism is less. The topography and
relief are so differentiated that the structural study faces to many
difficulties. The recently obtained results of deformation studies have been
evidencing the existence of at least three folding phases occuring before
Cenozoic. The first phase is characterized by recumbent folds and overturned
fold having the NW-SE axis and axial plan. The second folding phase produces
the Z shape folding from outcropt to regional scales. The age of these two
folding phases is marked by an angular unconformity and the folds were covered
by Upper Triasic coal-bearing beds. The third
folding phase coincides geometrically with the first folding phase and deformed
all older folds. During Cenozoic, the Sông Cả Fault Zone was affected by
a rotational stress field with 4 distinctive states. The firt stress field is
characterized by strike slip with nearly horizontal sigma 1 in E-W direction
while sigma 3 in N-S direction. The second stress field coresponds also to
strike slip regime with horizontal sigma 1 in N-S and horizontal sigma 3 in E-W
direction respectively. This stress field rotates about 20 to 300 to produce
the third stress field. The last one is characterized by an extensional stress field
with sigma 3 oriented
Người biên tập: GS.TS Trần Văn Trị.