U-Pb zircon isotopic age and Hf zircon isotopic composition of A Bung gabbrodiorite in the Đắk Krông -  A Lưới area

Nguyễn Quang Luật, Phạm Trung Hiếu, Nguyễn Tiến Thành

Zircon from the A Bung gabbrodiorite (AP3) has the LA-ICPMS U-Pb analyses clustering at 388±10 Ma. The value of 388±10 Ma dates the protolith age for A Bung gabbrodiorite  of Đăk Krông - A Lưới area. Such Hf isotopic features and the value εHf(t) (+0,5 ~ +2,8) indicate that the A Bung gabbrodiorite were derived from either young juvenile crust (model age TDM1 = 916±18 Ma), or fractionation of magma originated from a depleted mantle source. These results of U-Pb zircon of the A Bung gabbrodiorite showed that a magma - tectonic activity happened in the area during the Silurian-Devonian period.

Người biên tập: PGS.TS Trần Trọng Hòa