Formations of quaternary sedimentary
marine sand in Thừa Thiên Huế province
relevant geological legacies
Đặng Quốc Tiến, Đỗ Quang Thiên, Vũ Quang Lân
Research results
emphasized the occurrences of three formations of Quaternary marine sand
include dark-yellow sand, white sand and light-yellow sand at plain and coastal
area of Thừa Thiên Huế province. Studied sand types were formed and
distributed in many different terrains and distinguished themselves such color,
grain size distribution, mineral composition, chemical composition and
mechanical properties. Key source of studied sand material supply in research
area come from rivers which advance to the sea in marine regression period and
was carried back to the shore by coastal currents in marine transgression
period. Relevant geological legacies linked to marine sand generations are
diverse in valuable terms of geomorphology, landscape; Mineral resources;
Science, education and aesthetics.
Keywords: Quaternary sediment, marine sand, infield sand,
geological legacies, Thừa Thiên Huế province