Volfrarn mineralization characteristics in Bản Ngà, Tân Xuân commune, Vân Hồ district, Sơn La province


Đỗ Văn Thanh, Trần Văn Thành, Hoàng Văn Quyền, Nguyễn Quang Luật, Đỗ Văn Nhuận, Trần Đại Dũng

Mineral manifestations and mineralization of tungsten in the area of bản Ngà are distributed along the hthota fault line extending from the border of Việt-Lào (Phát hamlet) to Tà Lào viliage about 16 km. All mineralizalion zoncs are related lo the quartz, quartz and sulfur lined vessels, lobes by the surface of intercalary sedimcntary rocks altemating with carbonate. Ore mincrals are mainly sheelite, arsenopyrite, magnetite, pyrite, pyrotine; Secondary minerals are gold,  chalcopyrite, galena; Sphalerit, rutin, ilmcnite sometimes have cinabar, bitsmut, galcnobitsmuth; Mineral orc minerals: limonite, geothite; Non-ore mỉnerals: quartz, calcite and other rock-forming minerals. The results of chemical analysis show that the mineralization zone 1 and 4 of Ivory Coast have a WO3 content of 0.001 to 1.6%, in the sample of the atoinic absorption-absorption of some samples with the content of gold 0.1-1.34 g/t.