Assessment of seismic possibility and magnitude, and zonation forecasting

of earthquake effect in Hướng Hóa - Đăkrông districts, Quảng Trị province

Cao Đình Trọng, Nguyễn Văn Canh, Phan Thanh Quang, Phan Thị Hiền, Anh Tuấn


This article describes the estimation of seismic pattern and hazards of the Hướng Hóa and Đăkrông districts, Quảng Trị province. The results have shown that: There are three seismic sources in the Hướng Hóa and Đăkrông districts, Quảng Trị province with the following characteristics: Cam LỘ seismic source with the width of 12km and maximum magnitude of earthquake occurrence of 5.3 (W=12 km and Mmax= 5.3); Đăkrông-Huế seismic source (W=12km and Mmax=5.5); Hướng Hóa - A Lưới seismic source (W=12kmand Mmax=5.4); The ground acceleration (A) of the Hướng Hóa and Đăkrông districts are respectively: The frequence of T=50 years, A = 75-110 cm/s2 (degree VII of MSK-64); T= 200 years, A =95-145 cm/s2 (degree VII of MSK-64); T= 500 years, A = 110-160 cm/s2 (degree VII-VIII of MSK-64); T= 1 000 years, A = 120- 180 cm/s2 (degree VII-VIII of MSK-64).


Người biên tập: PGS. TS Nguyễn Hồng Phương.